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I had this dream on the morning of 12/01/2017. I dreamt that I was driving to Church on a Sunday morning. I believe the setting to be Atlanta, Georgia. 

This was a church that I had previously visited but there was a tricky turn, and I ended up on the wrong road. As you know, we sometimes do irrational stuff in dreams as did I when I parked the car and started to walk; walking up to a Church that was not the planned one. 

 I entered the Church foyer and requested information. I sat down in the foyer next to a man and shared hellos. As I looked over the material that I had received, I noticed that the palms of my hands had turned blue. There was a texture to the blue. It was like a thin hairy or firry covering. 

To be sure I was not seeing things I asked the gentleman sitting next to me if he saw it and he said yes. At a second glance my hands had turned yellow (or amber, the color of fire), which we both saw. Then the color of my hands turned white and then back to their normal color. 

Next in the dream I was walking down the sidewalk back to my car. The nice man from the church was walking with me. As we passed two people walking in the opposite direction, I was led to touch one of them and found that there was power in my hands, which was evident by the physical reaction of both as I touched just one of them. 

 The dream was over, and I was awake. The time is about 6 AM. In a “first ever” I endeavored to go back to sleep to know more about these “Healing Hands.”