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Several years ago I had a dream or perhaps a vision in which the only message was the word LIEGE.
Now this is a word that at that time I was not familiar with so I did what any self-respecting dream enthusiast would do – I googled it. So, as a side note do know that Liège is a province of eastern Belgium. Formerly ruled by independent prince-bishops, it became a part of the Netherlands in 1815 and of Belgium in 1830. It is situated along the Meuse River.
Now as you probably know, Liege speaks to a relationship between a Lord and His servant or Vassal. More specifically the concept is relative to Feudal Law and the responsibility that the two parties have to one another. On the surface, one is likely to think of the “Lord Liege” as the dominate party in the relationship and this is reasonable as the Lord is the one with the stuff.
As we further consider this relationship, though, we understand that the Lord is expressly dependent upon His vassals (liegeman) to help Him run things. They are mutually reliant upon each other. The word liege is both a noun and an adjective in it’s use.
Feudalism is also described as the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
So where am I going with all this? Well it was not difficult for me to ascertain that what my Lord (Jesus Christ) was showing me in this dream is that we are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically He was demonstrating that He needs me (and you if you are in Him) to understand His responsibility in our relationship and He not only needs me to hold up my part but that I must be sure to hold Him responsible to do is His part.
So let’s be clear; Jesus Christ is Lord and God. He is Sovereign. I am just telling you what He told me. We must know what his responsibilities are to us and hold Him responsible. We too need to know what it is He needs of us and move forward in those things. Do know that our relationship with him avails to us all the resources of heaven inclusive of heaven’s military.
Somebody say Praise The Lord!