10 Important Facts About Dreams

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Do you know that it might well be that the only reason God causes us to sleep is so that we can be quiet enough and not distracted by all of the stuff that goes on during the course of a day long enough for him to impart to us dreams and visions; important information designed to lead us, strengthen us, protect us causing us to most efficiently fulfill our purpose on the earth? Here are 10 important things for you to know about dreams; so as to not leave any double in your mind I will provide a biblical referenced for each:

1. Dreams are the domain of God Gen 20:3.

2. Interpretation of dreams is the domain of God. Interpretation can be imparted by referencing dreams with similar symbols from the bible, prayer and meditation and yes sometimes directly from God when requested Gen 40:8Dan 2:28.

3. There are many, many basic dream symbols found in the bible some of which you may find in your dreams; here are a couple of my favorite my favorite: barley cakes and the sun and the moon. The list goes on Jdg 7:13Gen 37:9.

4. Sometimes we cause ourselves to dream. These dreams may not be fruitful Jer 29:8.

5. There are likely three kinds of dreams: spiritual, those dreams given by the Holy Spirit; demonic, likely imparted by demonic entities through you soul (it appears that while the devil can communicate to your mind which may be his best weapon against us, he can not communicate to our spirits directly. Remember, though, the soul, (mind) does influence the spirit (largely by default because we didn’t judge every thought) 2Co 10:5. Thirdly, natural dreams, generally caused by or associated with ones recent activities as the so called subconscious mind (human spirit) reconciles them while the body sleeps Ecc 5:3, Ecc 5:7.

6. God used dreams extensively in the bible and largely foretold much of what has since transpired Dan 2:45.

7. Understanding our dreams require work on our part. When we work for something, we appreciate it more and gain greater reward Gen 40:16.

8. Dreams are a form of the “gifts of the Spirit” in that things that your have no natural way of knowing are revealed to you. This is called the word of knowledge  and is imparted to you by The Holy Spirit (God Himself) 1Co 12:8.

9.Dreams and visions are similar with visions sometimes being akin to reality or having real life experience. One is likely to feel suspended in time during vision Num 24:4.

10. Your Local Church is likely unwilling to do the work necessary to incorporate this most important gift form God into perfecting the saints of their congregations. Doing so is not an easy undertaking.