10 Things That Are Likely Wrong With Your Church

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1. You have not been taught the importance of being baptized.

2. You have not been taught the importance of speaking in tongues.

3. You have not been taught the proper way to end a prayer (see how it is done in the book of Acts and in the Epistles).

4. Your church is being run by one man and his family (not sure there is a biblical model for this).

5. You have not been taught the use (protocol) of the gifts of the Spirit during assembly  for exhortation, edification and comfort of the folks.

6. You have not been taught to understand your Kingdom role and dominion authorization to bring forth (call through prayer) the ordinances of Heaven into the earth.

7. No miracles (or almost none) are demonstrated.

8. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not being accomplished (needed for speaking in tongues).

9. Fulfilling the Great Commandment is not being accomplished.

10. Communion and Altar Calls are done almost as after thoughts.

Maybe it is time to chat with your Pastor about getting your Church to the POWER place that it ought to be. Rest assured that I have scriptural references. I will speak about the Tithing at another time and don’t stop in the meantime.