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Streets and roads etc. generally use a naming convention that describes the nature of the road. For example, street usually means a public way that has buildings on both sides of it. They run perpendicular to avenues.
Place designates a road or street that has no throughway—or leads to a dead end.
Last night I dreamt that I was returning a car to a friend and was instructed to park it at a certain address on 35th Place. As I parked the car, I was approached by a person of Asian descent who questioned whether I was parking the car at the correct address (was I sure that I wanted 35th pl). In the past I have made the mistake of going to an address on 35th Street or Lane or Road. You see where that is going, right?
The dream was over. I pondered the meaning of the dream. A dream can carry more than one meaning or interpretation. As soon as I picked up my Bible this morning, I knew that the Lord was instructing me to read Psalm 35.
Lately, I have been migrating closer and closer to the Lord. I am experiencing greater communion with Him and receiving just a flood of illumination, revelation, and inspiration.
I am moving into a season where I will be sharing a lot about how God ministers to his darlings through dreams. My work regarding Speaking in Tongues and The Spiritual Gifts goes on as well.
Just to be sure, when I think of a street designated Place I usually think of the abbreviated form or Pl. So, 35th Pl.- 35 Psalm. Click here.
My enthusiasm level is high this morning.