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“Hi Mr. Thomas.
This is M we met the other day.
I had a dream, and it was very short. I saw the cross and was compelled to wake up. I felt a gentle nudge on my back. The Holy Spirit woke me up, so I prayed. I’m not sure what I was supposed to pray for so I prayed for everything I could think of.
What should I be doing?”
I received this letter from a new young lady friend the other day and responded to her as follows. For the sake to time, I will paraphrase my answer.
I believe the Cross that you saw is His (Jesus’) way of saying this step is covered and now is the time to move forward with (in) Power and Revelation.
As our sins were washed away by the Blood of Jesus. The CROSS is symbolic of our old man being crucified with him.
His Gentle Nudge is Him saying let’s move forward in the afore mention Power and Revelation.
From time-to-time God (The Holy Spirit) will awaken you at night to pray and will not say about what. These are occasions to Pray in Tongues.
Generally, pray in tongues in your own space whenever possible. Occasionally you will know what He is accomplishing (as His Spirit speaks through your spirit) but mostly not. Be sensitive to His moving and be obedient on all occasions.
Praying in tongues is a “catch all” way to pray as the Holy Spirit knows every situation requiring prayer but He requires a co-laboring Believer for this action.”