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The Bible admonishes us to seek first after the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness; and promises that if we do that that “all these things” (worldly, natural, and even necessary things) will be provided for us. 

So primarily our focus and efforts should be in line with the Mind and Ways of Jesus Christ. 

I had an interesting dream last night. In the dream I encountered two people with whom I had a business relationship a few years ago. Remember now that whenever I have specific folks in a dream, I prioritize isolating and praying for them as a matter of habit to cover them regarding the entirety of their lives. 

Anyway, they had come to town, and I was meeting with them to try and sell them something as they were (in the dream) purchasing agents for their company. 

Time was running out and I had not been able to sale these folks anything in the way of typical office supplies etc. Finally, I said to them “well is there anything at all that your company needs to purchase because if there is, I am sure that I will be able to supply you with it.” 

So, one of the ladies said “well we do need to purchase a Zamboni“. 

So, without thinking, I said “well I can get you one of those. Just confirm your request and I will have it shipped. “ 

After having said that, I thought to myself “how am I going to do that?” So, I pondered it for a while. Remember now that I was dreaming all the while and this BLOG is about dreams. 

Continuing; now in the dream there appeared that unnamed person that you know, as I have mentioned Him before and for some reason, He had a baby with Him (you also know what that symbolizes). And He said, “why don’t you drop-ship the Zamboni?” I am in no way plugging drop-shipping nor do I have anything to do with Zamboni. 

This whole dream is symbolic of how the Holy Spirit (the unnamed Person) is encouraging us to pay close attention to Him in the practice of our vocations (babies) and that He will provide wisdom to us in our endeavors as we keep His business first.