A Fish Out of Water

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Last night I dreamed that I was down at the coast. I was on some sort of platform that was adjacent to the water – a dock of sorts. I am not sure about whether I was fishing or not.

Suddenly there was a big (really big) fish up on the dock and it was trying to get me. It was big enough that if It would have been able to maneuver around a little better I would have been a goner. It’s mouth was big enough to swallow me whole.

I recall striking the monster fish on it’s lips with an object. I was fighting for my safety.

Some of the symbols in this dream are obviously the fish, why it was out of the water, the dock, why was the fish trying to absorb me, the limited ability of the fish to move, the actual location or setting means something that needs to be deciphered and there are other considerations as well.

As I believe the dream to be of the Holy Spirit, the essential question is how does it pertain to my calling to promote the Spiritual growth of the Church.

Well that didn’t take long! Two nights ago I got a call from a publishing company. Stone something or another; a nice fellow by the name of Marcus D calling to let me know that my book, Utterance, Speaking in Tongues and Spiritual Gifts had come to his desk recommended by several book scalpers to have good success potential. They (Stone) were going to help me to get the book exposure and even have it displayed at the London Book Fair. There was even talk that perhaps a traditional publisher would pick it up and offer $35,000 to $250,000 signing bonus.

All indications are that the company is a scam.

Thank you Holy Spirit for the “heads up”.