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About ten years ago I had a dream about a fellow that attended the same Church that I attended. Let’s call him Daniel.

In the dream I saw Daniel in Africa. Africa is his home continent. I saw him entering a compound (generally, a group of homes or living quarters that are grouped together with a boundary or fence around them). Compounds are known to be common in Africa.

The impression upon my head was that he was someone of some, if not great renown. I saw that he entered the compound from the north. I saw an ingress/egress on the south side of the complex that was directly across from the north side entrance.The compound was rectangular in shape with a west to east length that was double or more the width. The property slopped down from the west to the east and there was a stream that ran parallel to the east end of it.

Daniel entered near the eastern end of the compound. There entered with him his entourage.They proceeded to what I saw as the living quarters for Daniel and his group. Said quarters were found about three-quarters down on the south side of the compound.

I was impressed also that there was an element of evil associated with the stream or that was to approach from the east side of the compound.

The dream of long ago was over. At some time reasonably close to the time of the dream I shared it with Daniel.

That was ten-or-so years ago. Fast forward to now. About three weeks ago I received a call from Daniels’ wife. Let’s call her Tiffany. Tiffany and I use to work with the same company, and she needed some industry related hep.

During our conversation, I asked her how Daniel was doing. She said to me that he was fine and that he was currently in Congo (The Democratic Republic of Congo). She said that he was working on a project there.

The thought of the dream that I had long ago about him being in Africa came to mind at once so I asked her if he had mentioned the dream to her. She said no, so I went ahead and told her the dream.

As I began to tell her the dream, she listened attentively but stopped me abruptly and asked me to wait while she got something to write with. She told me that what I had just told her and how I described the setting exactly described a new gated housing development that Daniel was working on. We were both very excited that the Lord was revealing to us that He was/is playing a part in the matter.

I asked her to have him to call me so that we could catch up and, of course, further discuss the dream and get further at what God is doing. About two weeks after my conversation with Tiffany, Daniel returned to the states and called me. We arranged to have lunch for the following week.

Prior to meeting with the Daniel, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and anointed me for the meeting. I was impressed to attend to first things first and needed to clarify with Daniel as to why the Lord was doing what he was doing. I knew it was about Kingdom Business and pertaining to Daniel’s calling or ministry, so I asked him what his ministry is.

While I feel that he was pretty sure about how God intends to use him he said that he wasn’t sure. I told him that I felt led to tell him about how God would use him and cautioned him to seek further confirmation from the Lord. I told him that he is to be a giver and more specifically a giver that will be used to fund Churches. But not in an ordinary way. I told him that his checks were to be in the $100,000 to $1,000,000 category. That just as an example.

By now Daniel is recording this Prophetic Utterance that is coming from On High on his iPhone. I advised Daniel that it is important to remember that this whole process is about God and that God only is to receive the Glory. I advised him as to his responsibility to discern what is and what isn’t good ground as he sews into Kingdom Work — that he should look for people, who like him, has a heart after the Lord.

It was about then that I asked him if I could borrow a pen. I wanted to sketch out what I saw in the dream to present it to him. I had already described it to him verbally. Once I completed the sketch (on a paper towel) and showed it to him, he reached for his Residential Development Grid Design Map (a layout of his plans) and it was for the most part exactly as I had described and drawn.

He felt strongly that he should keep the paper towel drawing and that it should be framed along with his official plan.

So why is God orchestrating these events like this? Well, one of the things that Daniel brought up was that he felt as if the Lord didn’t want him to borrow money in order to complete the subdivision. By the way, the home that are to be built are to be like those that are built here in the USA with prices apparently starting at about $400,000.

I know that God has done at least two things here. Daniel knows that the Lord has his eyes on him and he should be assured that he needn’t be concern about funding of the project as the Most High will see that funding is done. I admonished him that he should move forward with all confidence and told him, that his bank account has the backing of Heaven. Pretty sure that that was the Holy Spirit talking.

As for me, the dreamer, the Lord has recently given me some instructions and some mandates. He has shown me some visions of some of the things that I must needs to do. By allowing me to participate in this Word of Wisdom, Exhortation and Prophecy toward Daniel and having shown me these things to come ten years in advance I am given a gentle nudge and great assurance that I should move forward with my assignment doubting nothing.