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Right around the middle of this month I dreamed that I was venturing around (in the sky) when I began to approach three demons. They were a family of sorts attached in a web; like that of a spider. The head demon and the fiercest looking one was at the top of their triangle-like formation.
I hate demons, so I headed in their direction to check them out. When they saw me coming the two demons that were at the bottom of the formation peeled off leaving the head guy alone.
Now our pattern from the Bible for dealing with demons is clear as Jesus always confronted them head on. A few examples are: 1. in Mark chapter one vs. 23-27 he cast a demon out of a man in the Synagogue in Capernaum.
2. Matthew, Mark, and Luke document the Lord casting out a legion of demons from the demoniac who lived among the tombs of Gerasene and yet another details Jesus casting a demon out of a Greek woman’s daughter after her much insisting. This from Matthew15 and Mark 7. There are also other accounts.
Back to the story. I made a beeline toward the remaining demon and began to batter it on the head with my weapon, a Sword (Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God). I struck at that head until it was all broken. I had crushed the crown of its’ skull. The demon was destroyed and drifting away into the distance. How is that for manifold wisdom?
I looked around for the rest of its party, but they were clean out of sight!