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Do you know this word, appetencious? Neither did I until God showed it to me in a dream.

In October of 2006 I dreamt that I was in the bank to get a check. Apparently some bad checks has been drawn on the account and I had to go around and around with the fellow in the bank to convince him that I hadn’t written those checks demanding that he provide me with the check that I needed.

Finally he said “okay here is the check but I am going to make it out to APPETENCIOUS.”  This made me mad (mad not good) so I told him that I would not take a check made out that way and I left the bank without the check. I thought to get the necessary funds some other way. Dream over.

From time to time the Lord will give me a word in a dream, usually one that I am not familiar with, that I know is intended to teach me something. For this reason, I inquired of the Lord as to what he was saying to me by using that word in the dream.

I found that the dream had complexities. Let’s look at the definition of the word appetence from first, means:

intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite.
instinctive inclination or natural tendency.
material or chemical attraction or affinity.

So what does one thing have to do with the other? Here is how I see it. My aim was to acquire a check, for whatever the reason. I was adamantly opposed to compromise my wish to have the check just as requested and I left the bank without a check instead.

It appears that the Lord’s message to me is that He recognizes or that I should recognize the passion and compassion that is in my heart to fulfill that which I am called to complete pertaining to Kingdom Business. I have no desire to, neither will I, compromise that which I am appointed to do.