AS HE WENT (healing baby girl)

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Last night (this morning) I dreamt that I was off to get a haircut. I was walking to a nearby community and had to cross over several city blocks. 

I came upon a marketplace where a vendor was placing his wares along an alley way. His merchandise looked like barrels or bales of hay. 

As he positioned them lined up down the alley, I found myself getting in his way. We entered a discussion and he invited me to visit his home, practically insisting that I come. 

When we got to his house we walked in and past his son that was busy doing some domestic stuff, getting something out of or putting stuff into a dresser. 

We continued down a hall and to a room down some stairs. There was a bed in that room and two people lying down on it: the man’s wife and a daughter of about ten years old. 

I could see that his daughter was sick and got permission from her dad to pray for her. I explained to her that I would be praying for her in the name of Jesus Christ and asked her if she believed that Jesus could and would heal her. Her answer was in the affirmative. 

I told her that the Healing Power of Jesus would feel like electricity working in her body and not to fear. 

As I approached her, a demon manifested, doing what demons do. This one stuck out its (her) tongue at me in a belligerent manner. Demons are most often (if not always) the cause of illness, oppression, infirmity, mental illness and the like and should be dealt with first.  

The Lord lists this first on his to do list of signs that will follow believers. I rebuked the demon and commanded it to leave the child (I cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ). 

I laid my hands on the child and commanded the illness to leave her and felt her relief as the disease left. 

The child set up on the bed. I asked her if she was healed, and she said that she thought so. I looked over at her father and told him that I was sure she was healed because I knew it when the oppressor left her. 

There are several interesting aspects of this dream, one of them being that the father seemed to know that I was the vessel that God would use to bring healing to his home, and he unhesitatingly took me to his sick child. This was evidence of his faith coupled with the Word of Wisdom. 

As we go, He (Jesus Christ) is right there working with us “confirming the word with signs following.”