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From time to time I get a notification from the Holy Spirit that I need to pray. He notifies me in a variety of ways. Sometimes in the context of a dream He mentions a specific name or names. I know that my task is to call out those names in prayer before the Father.

At other times He shows me situations or events in which He wishes to intervene and needs authorization from a saint or perhaps even a non-saint to do so. This is because the Lord needs the authorization from those to whom dominion on the earth was given – mankind.

Last night’s notification or call to arms came to me in a way in which the Lord has used before. It was the sound of the doorbell ringing. Like Samuel, when he received his first communication from the Lord, I didn’t understand initially what meant this symbolic request to pray was. I did eventually catch on.

Last night’s Battle Station alarm, I am reasonably sure, had to do either directly or indirectly with the fact that Hurricane Florence was making landfall on the North Carolina coast. The Lord desired to get involved in one way or the other.

The truth of the matter is that I don’t know what the Lord was handling. That being the case, then how did I know what to pray for. I didn’t but the Spirit did.

Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives the Utterance is the answer.