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A couple of nights ago I dreamed about a contest that took place in a meeting hall like setting. One group of people was standing on one side of the building and the other on the other side.   

I did question the source of this dream as to whether it was God, the devil, or the previous day’s dinner. But after discussing it with a good friend and getting additional revelation from the Holy Spirit I recognized that there was an important caveat being communicated.   

Additionally, once I realized that there is another word that goes with the word contest and in the same context as I am speaking of here, I decided to proceed with this post.   

Continuing; the area in the middle was open. The contest was to determine from which of the two groups would the first three people to whiz come.  

Soon, there was an indication on the port side of the room (the side on which I was standing) that the objective had been met and so we signaled to the judges.  

Immediately, the group on the other side indicated loudly that they had completed the task even before our side had and I thought this to be true.  

This caused a big commotion as the people on both sides of the room pointed to our side as the winner. The prize was awarded to us.  

My dilemma here is whether the prize should be stripped and given to the other side that in fact completed the contest first or should it be retained by the team to whom it was awarded?   

In discussing this with my friend, she unhesitatingly mentioned the game BINGO. In BINGO, you can meet the win requirement but if you do not shout out the word BINGO before someone else acquires and shouts out “BINGO,” they win, and you do not. Problem solved!   

At least that part of the problem or dilemma is solved. But as I believe that all dreams from God have a ministry or Kingdom purpose, I knew that I needed to dig deeper. The lesson here speaks to unfinished work.   

The work of the Church is unfinished, the work of this minister is unfinished. Resting on one’s laurels can be costly and detrimental.   

Finish big and finish now!