Blue Hands, A Dream Come True

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In December of 2017 I posted the following two dreams Blue Hands and Healing Hands. I had no doubt that the Lord was showing me in advance that the Healing Ministry is my assignment.

In Blue Hands, I pointed out that I was somewhat puzzled as to what Blue meant. I was equally interested to fine out what the two other colors that happened to my hands in that dream meant — those colors being Yellow and White.

Well, as you might imagine, I did receive the revelation as to what Blue, Yellow and White likely symbolized in the dream. I posted Blue, yellow and white in September, 2018.

Dreaming is seeing” which is a great title for a blog post in the not to distant future. What I would like to do now is bring this all together for you.

Last week I attended the Divine Healing Technician Training. It is a training that is rooted in the training and ministry of John G Lake who was a great Christian Healing Minister of the early 20th century. Notable to his legacy are the Healing Rooms network. Another is John G. Lake Ministries of which Curry R. Blake is the General Overseer. It is hard for me to imagine anyone unpacking the Truth from the bible the way that Curry R. Blake does. No compromises here — just Truth.

The JGLM copyrighted image to the left is one of the very first things that I saw when I signed in to the seminar. You will note that there is a Blue Hand on it. For all intents and purposes, it looks just like the one  that I saw in my dream.

Can you imagine my excitement and joy in the confirmation by the  Holy Spirit that I am correctly navigating  the assigned course toward being able to display my compassion toward the sick and oppressed as per the Great Commission that is outlined in the Book of Mark, Chapter 16 verses 17-18.

There is more, but that’s all that I will say for now except, don’t get to heavily invested in hospitals.