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Last Sunday (May 12, 2019) I was visiting a Church for the second time. After some pretty Spirit filled testimonies from a few of the members, the Pastor preached a good Sermon. His message text was Luke, chapter 7 verses 11-15 (The Raising of the Widows Son at Nain).


After completing the Message Pastor called forward a few people and spoke into their lives (prophesied over them). Lastly, he prophesied over me.


He said that there is a Great Healing Anointing on my Life. He said that under my Ministry blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear, and the cripple will walk by the Power of God.


He anointed my hands with oil. After which, he professed to the congregants that there is a healing anointing on my life, that there is healing in my hands. He suggested to them that should any of them desire healing they should come forward.


I was only at Church for Sunday service and now look at what God was doing!


He singled out one of the Church leaders to come forward first so that we could pray specifically for her about a matter that he had discerned. We did so and there was no visible evidence of any healing for the lady. I do fully expect to hear her testimony of healing on Sunday. God does the work on His timetable.


Meanwhile, about 15-20 more people came forward including two visiting Pastors for me to pray for them. I prayed for and blessed these folks mostly either by holding their right hand or placing my hands on their head. I know that when ministering healings, they are likely to come at once at the hands of Jesus (The Holy Spirit) or shortly thereafter because of agreement and prayer of two or more saints.


I can recall only one single time in the Bible where someone went away from the Lord or Apostles not having been healed. Not being healed by the Apostles, this person was later healed by the Lord (Matthew 17:16-18).


There were two notable immediate manifestations of the people that I prayed for though. One lady had a vision. She says that while she was standing right in front of me; she didn’t see me but instead saw a person dressed in all white. She says that she did not see the persons face. She says that the person told her that she will come away from an upcoming medical procedure completely healed.


There was another lady whom I believe was second in line that apparently received mightily of God as I prayed for her holding her by her right hand. She fell to the floor because of the power of God and laid there for perhaps 15 minutes just praying in Tongues.


I expect to see full manifestation of the expected healing ministry that the Lord has put into my heart by way of a dream!