Views: 212

A couple of nights ago I dreamed about a contest that took place in a meeting hall like setting. One group of people was standing on one side of the building and the other on the other side.   

I did question the source of this dream as to whether it was God, the devil, or the previous day’s dinner. But after discussing it with a good friend and getting additional revelation from the Holy Spirit I recognized that there was an important caveat being communicated.   

Additionally, once I realized that there is another word that goes with the word contest and in the same context as I am speaking of here, I decided to proceed with this post.   

Continuing; the area in the middle was open. The contest was to determine from which of the two groups would the first three people to whiz come.  

Soon, there was an indication on the port side of the room (the side on which I was standing) that the objective had been met and so we signaled to the judges.  

Immediately, the group on the other side indicated loudly that they had completed the task even before our side had and I thought this to be true.  

This caused a big commotion as the people on both sides of the room pointed to our side as the winner. The prize was awarded to us.  

My dilemma here is whether the prize should be stripped and given to the other side that in fact completed the contest first or should it be retained by the team to whom it was awarded?   

In discussing this with my friend, she unhesitatingly mentioned the game BINGO. In BINGO, you can meet the win requirement but if you do not shout out the word BINGO before someone else acquires and shouts out “BINGO,” they win, and you do not. Problem solved!   

At least that part of the problem or dilemma is solved. But as I believe that all dreams from God have a ministry or Kingdom purpose, I knew that I needed to dig deeper. The lesson here speaks to unfinished work.   

The work of the Church is unfinished, the work of this minister is unfinished. Resting on one’s laurels can be costly and detrimental.   

Finish big and finish now!  




Views: 194

In last night’s dream I was given a badge. That was it. No gun.  

We know that the badge is a metaphor but what does it mean? In the context of the dream, I understand it to be a “grant of authority”. Further, in the context of what you are most likely to hear me speak about, this Authority is that which is delegated by Him Who sits on His Throne beyond the firmament. His instructions to one group:  

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.  

And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1-2)  

Those guys must have had badges. Not necessarily the ones that you pin onto your shirt pocket but the kind that shines forth as a Bright Light or comes forth as Fire for certainly the diseases and devils referenced in the following passage were arrested.  

And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. (Luke 10:17)  

Please expect to see a follow-up to the interpretation of this dream.  

Jesus Christ is Lord!  


Views: 213

Yesterday I had a dream in which the setting was a rural one. I am reminded of the hill country of West Virginia. Our property was on the hillside. The time was as days gone by. I was a young lad.  

One day, my brother and I ventured off onto the property of one of our neighbors and corrupted it in some way: not in a very malicious way — but non-the less. We were doing just the kind of thing that you might expect young boys to do. We were doing something that Dad had told us not to do. Dad was a disciplinarian.  

Word got back to Dad of what had happened and somehow, we knew it and we also knew that we would be dealt with by dad when he got home.  

That evening we saw dad coming home up the hill in the distance and I knew that I had better not be home when he got there. I took off, further up the hill, and across a stream to my friend’s house and right past my friend’s brother that was fishing on the bridge. I continued across the property of our neighbors and over to the separate living quarters of my friend, their son.  

In my haste to elude my father, I barely knocked on the door before entering and discovered that he was not home.  

So now look at me! I have trespassed on one neighbor’s property and done the same thing on yet another’s. The root of these misdoings (this could be called by another name, or two), disobedience. Here is what one prophet told a disobedient king in the Bible when that king failed to follow the instructions of God:  

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king. (1 Samuel 15:23)  

Disobedience before the Lord is NOT a good thing. I repent, here and now before the Lord. I ask for forgiveness. I beg the Lord that He will strengthen me to do as I am told, not doubting. I resolve to move forward earnestly and expeditiously in the ministry to which I have been called.  

May all the Glory be to God!