Danger Ahead

Views: 194

The Lord often gives us dreams showing impending danger. The first dream of this nature in the bible is one that a nice person by the name of Abimelech had. 

He had found Abraham’s wife Sarah to be quite attractive and since Abraham had falsely said that she was his sister (this was partially true, as Abraham and Sarah had the same father). Abimelech sent and took Sarah. She was Abraham’s wife though. 

That night God came to him in dream and said “Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man’s wife.” Now Abimelech had not gone into Sarah because God did not allow it and was able to return her to Abraham and to save his life. The repercussions of a violation by Abimelech would have been catastrophic not only because Abimelech would have died but also the harm that would have come to his country. You can find this fascinating story here. 

Several years ago, a couple, friends of mine, were planning a move to a location in which job opportunities would be better for them. They are both MBA’s. 

A job opportunity for them became available in New York. They started talking about it and making plans to move there. 

While this was happening, the Lord spoke to me in a dream regarding them saying just one word, “Chicago“. I advised them of what God had said suggested that their purpose was to be in Chicago rather than New York. 

Almost immediately they got job offers from Chicago. They moved to Chicago and are still there ten years later. 

Last week I had recurring dreams (doubled). It was about a friend that I went to school with many years ago. We have not been in recent contact but were good friends.  

You have heard me say in the past that when I dream about someone that I know or someone that I do not know (sometimes God just gives me a name) I realize that the Lord wants me to pray for that person. 

I have prayed for him. I took it a step further and tried calling him using a number that I got off the internet. I left a message and hope that he calls me back. I will bet you 25 cents that he has been going through something and the Lord needed someone in the earth to pray and give Him permission to intercede.  

I will be able to assure him the God is concerned about him and has handled the situation; whatever it was! 

If you have a dream that includes sad news, take it to the Lord and give Him permission to re-write the script. 



Views: 212

Yesterday at church the Pastor began his message by telling a dream that he had the night before. He said that in the dream he saw a church on fire. 

He said that he observed children playing in the ashes of the church. It was at that time that I looked back at the sound booth wondering if they were recording. I wanted to have a record of all the details of the dream. Not determined. 

The Pastor said that as he pondered the meaning of the dream, he heard a man say with an African accent that it is an American church that is burning. That was basically the dream. He did speak briefly with concern as to the interpretation of the dream. 

The Pastor spoke on sanctification. Lesson title was Becoming Christ Like; Spiritual maturation by the Lord through washing, sanctification, and justification. 

At the conclusion of the service the Pastor inquired as to whether there were any testimonies. A lady got up and talked about recurring dreams that she had been having. She dreamed that Pastors were dying in unusually large numbers. She states that she dreamed that a very well-known pastor had passed away. She did not reveal the name. 

What is God trying to tell us about the Church? 


Blue, Yellow and White

Views: 917

In a previous post I talked about a dream that I had in which during my visit to a church while I spent a moment seated in the foyer the palms of my hands began to change colors. 

I said that initially they turned blue, and I mentioned how they also had texture that was like a low cropped fur. My hands then turned yellow and after that they turned white. Lastly, my hands returned to their original color and texture. But now there was power in my hands. I know now, too, that the more appropriate way to voice this is to say that there was Power through my hands. 

I pondered the meaning of the colors for some time and am now satisfied as to what they symbolize. Biblically speaking, blue is thought to be symbolic of Jesus Christ, Healing and Authority. Blue is the most frequently mentioned color in the Bible.  

Yellow is symbolic of Fire (Holy Ghost Fire) for purifying, burning away impurities and for Anointing and/or Power.  

White is representative of Purity, Glory and Brightness and thought to symbolize God the Father and Godliness. White is the third most referenced color in the bible behind red. The presented interpretations should not be considered a complete list of those possible for the referenced colors. 

So, you see, healing and delivering folks by the laying on of hands brings the Whole of the Godhead into their lives. The Authority, Power and Glory of God leaves no crevice for illness, injury, or demonic spirit to hide or abide with them. 

Here is the referenced dream.2 



Views: 344

On September 05, 2016, I dreamt that a thief was caught in the act of thievery. Fast forward to another scene in the dream and, I am suggesting to a preacher that he should step down (resign his position as Pastor). 

Meanwhile, I hear the Lord saying that “the thief is to be the new preacher.” It appears to me that the Lord is intent on doing some house cleaning and the thief in the dream is symbolic of one of the thieves that died on the cross next to the Lord. The Lord found his heart to be in the right condition to enter the Kingdom (Paradise) the same day as their crucifixion.  

“And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou come into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23: 42-43) 

“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Revelation 2:5) 

I discern that my mandate here is to admonish the Shepherds to heed the Great Commission Instructions (Mark 16) just as they are spoken by the Lord and train their sheep in them before their candlesticks are taken away. 

Additionally, woe unto you of the Seminaries around the world that are turning out candidates in the name of Jesus Christ which are not Baptized by the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues. I say this with Authority. 

Speaking of admonitions, I am aware of what the bible says as to how we should regard preachers (Men and Women of God). 1 Chronicles 16:22 makes this abundantly clear and if that was not clear enough, Psalms 105:15 confirms the seriousness of this matter. Both verses read:  

“Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.” 


Who Told Me That!

Views: 262

The Reverend Leroy Jenkins is/was a television minister who is well known to minister miracles and healings. Some thought/thinks that he is a fraud. I am not dealing with that one way or the other here. He never did anything to me. 

Reverend Jenkins use to somehow know what was ailing the people who came to him for a miracle or a healing. He would ask the folks saying, “who told me that?” The folks use to always reply, God (or Jesus). 

What I would like to bring to light here that there are ways to have firsthand information regarding people, things, or events. This information is usually brought to us by invisible persons who place such in our minds or in our hearts (spirits). 

Familiar spirits are persons (invisible evil spirits) from antiquity up until now which go about broadcasting unfruitful words that cause confusion, chaos, division and yes even death. True historical stories are these as they were witnessed firsthand by the teller of them. Make no mistake this is evil work. 

The Word of Wisdom and The Word of Knowledge are entirely different resources, however. The Word of Wisdom is the prophetic divulgence by the Holy Spirit (God Himself) of an act or process that is related to a Kingdom action that is to take place. A good example of this (there are many) is the Hope of the coming Rapture of the Church. The Word of Knowledge relates to divulgence by God to a person (or persons) of information that could only be known through this Supernatural source and is given for the exhortation, edification and/or comfort of the believer. 

Sometimes when we dream, God gives us information that can be used for Kingdom Business. Remember, we are always to pray when we have a dream because it is likely that God needs our approval (authorization) to move forward with His desired action regarding Earthly things. Do not forget, He gave us Dominion and The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. 











Did you read your horoscope today

Views: 281

Your horoscope is a fraud. The devil took a perfectly good concept and what may be the first bible story every told and one that was known in the most early days by folks all over the world and corrupted into a lie that will cause many people to end up in hell. Yep, I said it h-e-double hockey sticks. The zodiac (The So Called Gospel In The Stars) is the story of a champion shown somewhat like a motion picture with the 13 episodes coming into view as the earth makes its’ trip on a line called the ecliptic around the sun. Some of the characters are Virgo (the woman bearing the seed, the branch), Capricornus (the Atoning Sacrifice), Aquairus (the water bearer): all significantly symbolic in the Christian Faith. By the way, there are actually 13 signs with Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer) being likely left out by demonic influence as He likely represents Jesus Christ Himself handling the devil one final time. You don’t have to know much of this stuff to understand that there is One True Living God. Psalms 19 (Psa 19:1)  spells this out but pray before you read it and ask the Holy Spirit to provide the illumination.