Views: 184

This dream from about a week ago is another one of my “house” dreams. A house in my dreams is a metaphor for my body, the Body of Christ (the Church) or an actual house. 

This time around, it is the Body of Christ. As I walked around, inspecting, and assessing the condition of the “House” I notice how there were some unsavory looking folks hanging around. They looked to be suspicious and seedy. 

I suggested to them that they were out of place and should move on. Speaking of “moving on,” I decided that it was timed that I did so. As I walked away on out of the back of the building, I found that there was no egress but a wall instead. Nowhere to go. 

When I looked up, I saw that I had been followed (cornered) and that a man dressed in animal skin and with a bobcat on his shoulder stood between me and an exit. This was an alarming thing to see. 

The man then loosed the animal and it charged at and jumped up on me. I caught its’ head in my hands and began to gouge out its’ eyes. I had it under my control. 

When I checked out the status of the hunter, I saw that he had a bow and arrow and that it was pointed at me. I was sure that I was about to die! 

It was then that I heard what sounded like three electronically produced sounds (unlike any I had ever heard). The man fell to the ground, dead. The dream was over. 

The interpretation of this dream is simple. Some of the folks in the church error, and must be admonished. Such admonishment is sure to bring blowback, sometimes serious, at that. 

It is essential in these last days that the Church (The Bride) readies Herself for the Bridegroom!  


Views: 418

Often in my dreams there appears this Mystery Person. I once saw Him assisting a person who was having some difficulty in a rapidly flowing river. He has appeared as a policeman assisting and aiding against doers of evil. He appeared in the dream in which the Lord called me to ministry. He was The Coach.

You are likely to see Him as a Teacher, Helper, Lawyer, A Friend and always as Someone who operates from the background. He does not bring attention to Himself other than to be an Advocate and Protector.

He comes to assist in a time of trouble and at other times as needed and then fades into the background until such a time as when He is needed again. He is an Ever-Present Helper.

While He is the Third Part of the Godhead, He is somewhat like the Lone Ranger.


Views: 461

I had this dream during the first week of this month. It was as if I were a football player; likely a running back or pass receiver as I was running down the field with the ball. 

The opposing team was in hot pursuit behind me to destroy me, breathing down my back. 

Suddenly the Coach appeared off to my left side (putting me on His Right Side) and he said to me “hit the locker room I want you to stop everything else that you are doing and follow me.” He threw me a towel. I tossed the football off with my left hand and appeared in the locker room where I cleaned up and headed out. 

I now believe that the towel represents a mantle. 

I at once moved to another scene in the dream where the Coach was still moving (He is always moving) at His constant pace and I ran behind Him (following Him). 

While thinking on the dream, drafting (running in the vacuum of no resistance) behind Him was added revelation. 

He is worthy of all Praise. 



Views: 563



This is an easy one! I think. 

Last night (first thing this morning) I had a dream in which it was like my car was being stopped by the authorities. There were at least three of them. The impression given was as if it were an inspection or evaluation of sorts. 

So, these nice folks looked at a few documents and the general organization of things and seemed impressed at the good order in which they found my business. 

Somehow, though, one of them picked up a bottle of LEA & PERRINS WORCHESHIRE SAUCE and began to examine it. When I noticed what was happening, I chimed in that “oh that, I’ve been meaning to throw that out because I don’t know how old it is or if is still ok to eat.” I was unable to find a “use by” date on it. 

When we all agreed that it was, in fact, a good idea to go ahead and get rid of it, I was free to go. The mood was a positive one as we parted company. 

Clearly as I matriculate into a new level of purpose it is important that I take inventory and discard those things that are not meat for that new assignment. Quite sure! 

I love this dream business. If you pay attention, you win fast. 






Views: 421

20 years ago, I felt as if I was not growing in my relationship with God. I was not paying much attention to Him, and I felt as if He was not paying much attention to me; so, I asked Him in prayer if He would work with me and help me to grow in Wisdom and Power and use me for Kingdom purposes. 

Shortly thereafter, the Lord appeared to me in a dream and opened before me a Bible. I should proclaim right here the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that Jesus Christ is Lord and God. 

He turned a few pages of the bible and on either side of each page there was writing but on the back side of these pages they were blank. The Lord said to me “my son as you can see everything is not clearly revealed in My Word, but it is like a puzzle that must be unraveled.” In so speaking He placed a Rubik’s Cube on the pages of the bible, and he said, “I will now show you the mysteries of and help you to understand and search out greater Revelation pertaining to my Word.” 

Almost immediately from that time, I was led to seek out the Book Of Enoch the content of which takes your faith to another level. It is not necessarily an easy read, though, and being Holy Spirit led is essential. I have learned that Watchman Nee’s works are also important for those of us wanting to build up our spirit and faith. My level of communion with the living God is richer because of my request. The Lord is constantly showing me in dreams and visions things that are about to happen.