Views: 40



In this compelling video, “Raising the Dead: A Miraculous Encounter,” join me, Thomas, as I recount a profound dream that reveals an extraordinary story of resurrection. Witness the gripping moment when a talented young athlete, tragically lost to circumstances beyond her control, is found by a desperate friend in a bustling market. Experience the power of faith and prayer as I guide her back to life with a heartfelt call that resonates with divine authority. This vision serves as a reminder of the miraculous possibilities that lie within us when we are filled with the Spirit of Jesus.

Join the conversation about miracles and share your thoughts!

#RaisingTheDead #MiraculousEncounter #Faith #SpiritualAwakening #DivineIntervention


Views: 288



A couple of days ago I dreamt that I was caught in the middle of a battle. I took cover in a bathtub. There was a Baby (Small Child) nearby and the incoming fire struck the Child and as the Child fell into the tub on top of me giving me additional cover, I was covered in Its Blood.  

When that battle was over, I sought a way to remove myself from the area of the engagement. I was presented with two means of escape. There was a grade level route that seemed fine, and a way that called for standing on a Rock and for help.  

I heard a voice saying that I should stand on the Rock as that would be the safer way and so I did.  

So, let me ask you, is this not a very gracious thing for the Lord to do in showing me how His Son endured my pain and shed His Blood to cover me from danger as I lay there is His Manger. Further my protection is ensured when I chose to stand on the Rock of His Salvation.  

For me this is over the top encouragement! 



Emblems, Demons and Casting Them Out

Views: 191

Initially in this dream, I saw a lady who was in possession of an emblem engaged in a negotiation with a man who was interested in buying it from her. My first thought was that she should counter his first offer.

Then, another man came on the scene and showed an interest in buying the emblem. He was a flashy dresser and already had several very pretty emblems around his neck.

He was very anxious to buy the emblem that the woman had and gave the impression that price was no object.

Next scene: the lady started to complain of pain in her abdomen, left side. She said that there was something moving in her abdomen. She was obviously in great pain.

I asked her if I could pray for her and so did. She had showed that she would work wholeheartedly with me. She was enthusiastic about it. This was a strong sign of her faith. I laid my hand on her body where the thing could be plainly seen to be moving. I could feel it moving.

I rebuked the thing and commanded in the Name of Jesus Christ that it die and be flushed from the body of the lady. We prayed very aggressively against the thing, she, and I.

Soon I notice that the thing was not moving. Shortly after that I notice that it could no longer be felt. I pronounce her healed of that disorder.

There is still the problem of the emblem. Largely emblems can be more problematic than we know. Many of them come with a spirit.

The truth is that the lady in my dream may have been in possession of a thing that did not want to be evicted (in that it was connected to the emblem) and so raised a fuss.

Did you know that even the cross finds its origins in pagan traditions? I am not saying to toss you Cross but do consecrate It by prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. See you Pastor about this.

If I were to give advice to the lady in the dream as to what to do with the emblem, it would be that she consults a metallurgical engineer to melt the thing down.

Glory be to Jesus Christ our Lord for showing forth this Light!


Views: 170

I had this dream about 4 o’clock this morning. I was walking with a lady in a neighborhood in an urban setting. 

As we walk a woman appeared to us seeking help and saying that there were two people dead in an apartment. She led us down about half a block and into the home. 

The status or location of one of the people was not clear in the dream or not clearly remembered by me. The other person however was unconscious or dead. It was obvious that there was a gas, carbon monoxide or natural gas present. 

In the dream I could see the gas in the air showing it to be floating above what was the normal atmospheric air. I knew that we had to work fast and asked that someone would cause some ventilation. 

Focusing on the dead or near-death person after having learned her name, told her that I was going to call her back in the name of Jesus and that when I did, she would come back in perfect health with no ill effects due to any earlier conditions or any caused by the gas. 

After giving her the brief instructions, I called her back and she awoke quickly. When she appeared, her countenance was radiant, and she appeared brand new compared to the way that she looked before she was asked to wake up or come back. 


Views: 437

This dream starts out with people, lots of people, walking through a large ground level mall concourse. 

Everything was peaceful as the folks all headed for a common destination.  

But suddenly there was pandemonium as they started to fall to the floor. They were being hit by small laser-guided spears. These projectiles were launched several at a time. It was a deadly surprise assault. 

Some people hid behind walls and some ducked in through open doors. 

As I thought about what was happening, it was revealed to me that there was another way to get to the Destination. 

There is a River that runs directly under the concourse that was being used by the referenced people and all that went by way of the River arrived safely to the Destination. 

All who chose to travel this way were enclosed into a comfortable Pod. The pods were egg-shaped and bobbled down the river to the Destination. There were no hazards. 

Once the people arrived at the Destination, they returned to ground level via the stairs. The dream was over. 

Get into the River! 

When thou pass through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walk through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2 

*see an part 2 update regarding this dream! 



Views: 229

In this dream I saw a young lady athlete that was involved in a traumatic incident that involved young men. The lady was an exceptional athlete with many accolades.

It appeared that due to her run in with the bad guys she became deceased. She was left in a place and hidden.

A person who is known to me found her and carried her on his shoulder looking for help.

I was walking in a market area and met him as he desperately sought help.

I recognized the young lady and knew the urgency of the situation, so I asked the gentleman to place the lady on the ground.

I approached her and began to explain to her that I was going to give her some instructions and that then I would call her back.

The moment I began to speak, however, she gasped for and breathed in a deep breath. She had been resuscitated.

We will see occasions in these last days where the Lord will raised people from untimely deaths. Saints full of the Spirit of Jesus due to all-the-time praying in the Spirit will carry His Anointing sufficient to raise the dead.

8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together. 

9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. 

10 And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. (Acts 20:8-10)  

“GIVE ME WHAT BELONGS TO ME” A lesson about Tithing

Views: 702

A few days ago, I dreamt that I was gathering the mail from my now deceased father-in-law’s mailbox. The mail carrier had just delivered the mail. When I opened the mailbox, along with a few assorted pieces of mail there were two large stacks of money. There were thousands and thousands of dollars. 

My first thought was “could this be my money?” It was not my mailbox though. As I gathered up the money, two of Mr. A’s children nicked a few bills from the top of one of the bundles. They said, “daddy won’t mind, going to just get a manicure.” 

As I went in to present the bundles to Mr. A, we determined that one of them was his and that he did not know who the other one belonged to. This meant the other one was mine or at least my job to haphazardly try to find the true owner. 

Meanwhile as I had been slow to slide on over to Mr. A his exceptionally large pile of green, he said to me sternly, “give me what belongs to me.” 

Now, there were other people in the room. Some were sitting at the table where he and I were sitting. Now as I passed his bundle on over to him, he at once started to disperse the smaller bundles from his larger one to those in the room. 

These folks were worker associates of his. They did all the legwork, and it was time to be paid. He slid money bundles to those at the table and I recall him tossing one over his left shoulder to a person sitting back in the corner. 

I knew that this was a lesson about tithing. He went about remitting to those owed at once and fully. I had been asking the Lord to give me clarity about tithing and this was His answer. It was clear to me that I should go at once to the third chapter of the Book of Malachi. Malachi 3 is the go-to text at tithes and offerings time in the Church. 

It is my intent to sort through the referenced scripture and to show you what I see but for now, in a few words, what God showed me is that tithing is a principle and mandate for now as it always has been (vs 4). 

We are admonished that we will be thoroughly judge and that faithful giving is a thing of righteousness (vs 3). 

In verse 6 He says, “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”Ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” means that the tithes and offerings are not outdated but are ongoing. No change. 

Read Malachi chapter 3. 



Views: 227

On the referenced night I dreamed about being with another couple in which the wife was pregnant. We were in a high place (like on a spiral staircase) and the lady wanted to get down and thought to jump. I told her not to jump because she could hurt herself and/or the baby.

She jumped anyway and surprisingly her husband caught her as if it was nothing. Also in the dream PG&E offered my spouse a job — and for some reason I was willing to take a position as a sales person for some company (for the right salary).

Lastly — in the dream — I was shaking hands with Chris Tucker, the actor from the movie Rush Hour with Jackie Chan. Dream over.

Here is the likely interpretation of the dream. The high place is the level of the calling. The wife is the saint (be it me or you). The baby is the new ministry assignment.

This is all about one running away from the purpose of God. The husband is the Bridegroom (the Lord). Here, the Bridegroom catches the Bride (the saint) as it is a small thing for God to perform His purpose in us.

The movie itself has nothing to do with the dream or interpretation of it. The symbol is the word rush. We are to move higher and higher as God fulfills His purpose in us. We must remain patient as He does so. We must not compromise or forsake that to which The father has called us for mammon. We need not be in a rush.

Blue Hands, A Dream Come True

Views: 1854

In December of 2017 I posted the following two dreams Blue Hands and Healing Hands. I had no doubt that the Lord was showing me in advance that the Healing Ministry is my assignment.

In Blue Hands, I pointed out that I was somewhat puzzled as to what Blue meant. I was equally interested to fine out what the two other colors that happened to my hands in that dream meant — those colors being Yellow and White.

Well, as you might imagine, I did receive the revelation as to what Blue, Yellow and White likely symbolized in the dream. I posted Blue, yellow and white in September, 2018.

Dreaming is seeing” which is a great title for a blog post in the not to distant future. What I would like to do now is bring this all together for you.

Last week I attended the Divine Healing Technician Training. It is a training that is rooted in the training and ministry of John G Lake who was a great Christian Healing Minister of the early 20th century. Notable to his legacy are the Healing Rooms network. Another is John G. Lake Ministries of which Curry R. Blake is the General Overseer. It is hard for me to imagine anyone unpacking the Truth from the bible the way that Curry R. Blake does. No compromises here — just Truth.

The JGLM copyrighted image to the left is one of the very first things that I saw when I signed in to the seminar. You will note that there is a Blue Hand on it. For all intents and purposes, it looks just like the one  that I saw in my dream.

Can you imagine my excitement and joy in the confirmation by the  Holy Spirit that I am correctly navigating  the assigned course toward being able to display my compassion toward the sick and oppressed as per the Great Commission that is outlined in the Book of Mark, Chapter 16 verses 17-18.

There is more, but that’s all that I will say for now except, don’t get to heavily invested in hospitals.



Views: 183

There once was (and still is) a man. An ordinary man. This man had a glimmer of light in his heart – in the center of his being. Faint it was, hardly noticed by anyone except his parents. It stayed that way for years and years but was obtaining a solid position in there – kind of like a tree as it stretches out its root system to be able to stand even to reach the clouds.

One day this nice gentleman was made aware of an outside source of light. One that was exterior to him but that is very much like the light which he owned. This Light is the greatest of all light. It is the Light of the world. It is the Source of all life in the universe.

He somehow knew that that light was beckoning him to let It come into him. It wanted to join him and grow in him. This most powerful Light would be largely subservient to the light of our friend whom we mentioned first in this little story. It would be a Helper. The Great Light is a source of Eternal information and Jethro; let us call our friend Jethro, can access this information and increasingly so as he builds his relationship with the Light.

Once choosing to cohabitate with the Light – join his light with that Light – change was swift and exponential. The light that was in him was no longer just a flicker. It had grown, filling his abdominal cavity to an explosive ability. His cranial cavity became alive and radiant with activity because of the Light. He began to know things, to see and hear more clearly. His sense of right and wrong became keener. Key components of the two referenced systems are now more aware of each other and working together. Compassion and love are intrinsic in his personality.

His thoracic cavity is also infiltrated by the Light giving him increased ability to spew out words of encouragement here and there and upon those whom he chooses or when he is petitioned to do so. His message is one of love. That Light shown throughout his whole body. His movement is more graceful and displays positive intent.

The Light is no longer contained inside his body. It emanates from his body and becomes somewhat like a force field of love and all that is positive. Those meeting him senses this Power (that is what it is, power) not fully, if at all, understanding what it is.

But that is not all. Remember that I said that that Light is external to that of Jethro. Well, the Great Light while it works within Jethro, it (He) also has a life and agenda all His own. That Light is always everywhere Jethro goes, even if the atmosphere appears to be dark. In fact, there are times when the Light will pick, for example, to intervene in the ordinary course of nature to bring about some change. An example of this might be to open blind eyes or to cause a cripple person to walk.

The Light (you probably noticed the upper-case L) now that He has opened a line of communication (communion even) with Jethro is able to conduct such work in the natural realm using a natural person.

5 Things to do When You Have a Dream

Views: 209

  1. Recall the dream. Run the details of the dream through your head. If you don’t, there is a good chance that the dream will fly away.
  2. Pray to the Lord for clarification (interpretation) regarding the dream. Ask Him to give you Light and Revelation as to what He is trying to convey to you.
  3. Write the dream down. Writing the dream down will help you to receive Light and Revelation regarding the dream as well.
  4. Tell the Dream to a believing friend. The Wisdom imparted to your friend by the Lord will most certainly assist you in the interpretation of you dream.
  5.  Revisit your dreams after a few days and after a few weeks, after a few months and after a year or two or ten or fifteen or forty. You will be amazed!

Dark Speech in a Dream

Views: 389

Paying close attention to our dreams and not hastily judging that a particular dream is one that you prefer not to share with others or is otherwise worth considering is a mistake. Always remember that God speaks to us to a great extent by symbols in dreams and visions. 

We should always write our dreams down and go back to them from time to time to review them and receive additional light and revelation from them as will often be the case. 

Dreams are not unlike a Rhema Word. A Rhema Word is alive. It is a living thing proceeding from the Mouth of God. So are dreams – the worthwhile ones. They are chapters added to time – implanted in as God sees fit – foreordained before the foundation of the world. 

So, you see, this ever so important phenomena that we refer to as the dream might well be the most squandered of the Spiritual Gifts of God, The Holy Spirit. And yes, I said Spiritual Gifts, for incorporated within the dream are often Words of Knowledge, Words of WisdomDiscerning of Spirits and so forth. 

It is important now though, that I tell you about my most recent dream. On January 14, 2019. In the dream, I found myself loitering around in a furniture store. The store was on the basement level. I did not work there but I was going around from one piece of furniture, having a hardwood-stained surface, to the other. 

I was waxing the furniture. My intent was to obtain a perfect finish to the pieces, and I know this to sometimes be difficult. Again, I did not work there so was unauthorized. Once my scheme was exposed, I found my way up the stairs and out of the store to the street in an urban setting. 

I was nicely dressed in an expensive suit and conducted myself haughtily as I made my way to my car. There were folks going about their business present on the street. Some of them were sort hanging or “chilling” as they say. 

As I arrived at my car, I found the passenger side door wide open, and the trunk (boot) was as well. I thought, “someone has broken into and striped my car.” I approached it slowly and found it to be intact – you know, with all the seats, electronics, wheels, and stuff still in place. 

As I proceeded to button the car up to get away from that place before the perpetrators arrived back, but they got back before I left. They were not done. There were three of them. They saw that I was back but still desired to finish what they had started. 

While two of them waited in their car, the third one approached my car and I confronted him from the inside of it and at the passenger side window and grabbed him forcefully in his collar. The dream was over. 

Wow, huh? I was ready to chuck this dream. Now you see why I introduced this post such as I did. We must learn to pay attention and let the Lord further expound as to what He is trying to convey to us. We should ask God to give us light regarding every dream that we have without fail. 

While I am sure that the waxing matter and the attempted car vandalizing and the three bad guys and the haughty attitude etc. all have symbolic meanings, let me tell you what I do know and did learn from the dream. 

My car in the dream was a late 90’s model Lincoln Mark VIII (photo inserted below). I did not know the details about the car other than it was a Lincoln until I looked it up on Google. Once I was able to view the car that was very vivid in the dream, I was able to know that it is a Mark VIII, it was easy for me to figured out at least one of the things that the Lord was trying to show me. 

He was instructing me to read from the Book of Mark, Chapter Eight. The number eight in Biblical numerology means new beginnings. Aside from that, though, what I found as I read the chapter is that despite miracle after miracle done in the seeing of the disciples there was a lack of comprehension of the same. 

The disciples had difficulties transitioning to a spiritual position of faith. The Lord admonished them to focus on the things of God and not the things of the world, to pick up their cross and follow Him, to deny themselves, to be willing to lose their lives for His sake and for the sake of the Gospel. 

He said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (vs. 36) 

In Mark 8, Jesus feeds the 4000 people with seven loaves and few small fishes and had seven baskets of leftovers. On another occasion he fed 5000 folks with five loaves having 12 baskets of fragments left. This was because they were concerned about having brought only one loaf with them on their most recent trip. 

Long story short; Our Lord and God is All Sufficient, intimately attentive to our needs, loved us to death and will return shortly in the Glory of the Father and with the Holy Angels. 

Read it for yourself.  




Views: 211

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13)  

Last night I dreamt that we were visiting out of town to attend a stadium ball game. For some reason I had to leave the game and attend to an errand. 

The setting for the event was a large city. I was not familiar with the city and was having some difficulty finding my way back to the venue. 

As I made my way back, I encountered a person whose intent it was to rob me or do me harm otherwise. He had a gun. Somehow, I managed to get away from that person with the help of a stranger. 

Still trying to make my way back to the stadium and from the higher vantage point that I was at currently at, I could look downward and see it.    

As I travel on in the direction of the park, I spotted a church off to my right. I could hear that they were having praise and worship and I was impressed that their service was anointed. 

I would have liked to visit the church, but I needed to proceed to get back to my party at the game. The complex was not now visible from where I was but traveling in the perceived direction of the desired position I moved forward. 

I came upon a park-like location near where I expected the stadium to be and encountered an old man. He was the friendly sort and was just hanging out at that location. I was now disappointed as I thought for sure that I was close to the stadium complex, though I could not see it. 

Shortly thereafter another person that also was looking for the stadium appeared and was dumbfounded as was I. 

The old man, from whom pure love emanated, smiled at us, and pointed across the street and there was the stadium complex in all its Glory. Our eyes had been opened. 

What does it all mean? Long story short, the Lord is providing me with more assurance and encouragement pertaining to my relationship to the Local Assembly (the Church) and is showing me how that I will from time to time need to travel from the Assembly to other locations and will experience resistance and danger but will have the ever-present Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and protection of the Angels. 

That I will experience other Churches of like precious  faith  during my travels and shall be encouraged by the same. That there will be times when I will not clearly see a sure victory or that thing which I hope for and must rely upon Faith to walk by rather than sight. 

I love and praise God for sharing with me!!! 


He Has Done It Again! (A Two-fer)

Views: 212

Disclaimer: Some of the content of this post depicts violence and may be disturbing to some.

Last night I dreamt the following regarding a young man that I know. In the dream he was preparing to drive off to a destination. He was in a large parking lot.

Beyond the lot where he was there was a gun battle pursuing that was beyond his ability to hear. I noticed that he was once struck from behind by what appears to have been a superficial perforating bullet. Not fully knowing what had happened he turned around and after seeing that there was a problem was stricken again. As he was about to run for cover, he was again hit by a projectile in the back and he went down. I was devastated.

As I was now awake, I knew immediately that the Holy Spirit was bringing to my attention some impending danger to the young man and I immediately began to pray. As I recall, I prayed in the understanding (English) and I prayed in tongues. Praying gives God authority to act in the natural realm.

Since I now know that the Holy Spirit won’t show you impending danger unless He is at the ready to intervene on your behalf (or on the behalf of the  person in need of the intervention) and after praying I was confident that this matter was (or was to be) taken care of. I also fully knew that in due time the Lord would reveal to me the circumstances confirming the matter. I went back to sleep.

Part 2: Upon gong back to sleep I had another dream. In this dream, the same young man of the part one dream is the subject. He is again about to get into his car to go to a destination. As he approaches his car he encounters a very menacing dog – a bulldog or pit-bull perhaps. The young man stood his ground but the dog continued to advance. That is when I went into action. I had some kind of cushiony object attached to a stick in my hand and I charged after the dog with it.

The dog retreated and I surmised and suggested to the standers-by that it was ill and should be taken to the doctor (vet). The young man safely jumped into his car and went about his business.

Do you see what just happened? The Holy Spirit (Jesus Christ Himself) alerted me to an impending occurrence of certain danger so I could ask Him and give him permission to intervene. Because of His Caring Spirit, He not only managed the matter but chose not to have me wait until a later date for assurance of that fact.

The Lord revealed to me in back to back dreams a problem and its resolution.

As a side note; I had a brief conservation with the young man this morning and was able to determined that in fact he had been encountering spiritual warfare and had also received confirming word from the Lord releasing a burden that he had been carrying.

If you are reading this, it is meant to be a lesson to you and assurance that Gods desire is to be closer to us than a friend and that if sought, He will be found. No weapon formed against you shall prosper!



Views: 194

From time to time I get a notification from the Holy Spirit that I need to pray. He notifies me in a variety of ways. Sometimes in the context of a dream He mentions a specific name or names. I know that my task is to call out those names in prayer before the Father.

At other times He shows me situations or events in which He wishes to intervene and needs authorization from a saint or perhaps even a non-saint to do so. This is because the Lord needs the authorization from those to whom dominion on the earth was given – mankind.

Last night’s notification or call to arms came to me in a way in which the Lord has used before. It was the sound of the doorbell ringing. Like Samuel, when he received his first communication from the Lord, I didn’t understand initially what meant this symbolic request to pray was. I did eventually catch on.

Last night’s Battle Station alarm, I am reasonably sure, had to do either directly or indirectly with the fact that Hurricane Florence was making landfall on the North Carolina coast. The Lord desired to get involved in one way or the other.

The truth of the matter is that I don’t know what the Lord was handling. That being the case, then how did I know what to pray for. I didn’t but the Spirit did.

Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives the Utterance is the answer.


Blue, Yellow and White

Views: 917

In a previous post I talked about a dream that I had in which during my visit to a church while I spent a moment seated in the foyer the palms of my hands began to change colors. 

I said that initially they turned blue, and I mentioned how they also had texture that was like a low cropped fur. My hands then turned yellow and after that they turned white. Lastly, my hands returned to their original color and texture. But now there was power in my hands. I know now, too, that the more appropriate way to voice this is to say that there was Power through my hands. 

I pondered the meaning of the colors for some time and am now satisfied as to what they symbolize. Biblically speaking, blue is thought to be symbolic of Jesus Christ, Healing and Authority. Blue is the most frequently mentioned color in the Bible.  

Yellow is symbolic of Fire (Holy Ghost Fire) for purifying, burning away impurities and for Anointing and/or Power.  

White is representative of Purity, Glory and Brightness and thought to symbolize God the Father and Godliness. White is the third most referenced color in the bible behind red. The presented interpretations should not be considered a complete list of those possible for the referenced colors. 

So, you see, healing and delivering folks by the laying on of hands brings the Whole of the Godhead into their lives. The Authority, Power and Glory of God leaves no crevice for illness, injury, or demonic spirit to hide or abide with them. 

Here is the referenced dream.2 


35th Place

Views: 281

Streets and roads etc. generally use a naming convention that describes the nature of the road. For example, street usually means a public way that has buildings on both sides of it. They run perpendicular to avenues. 

Place designates a road or street that has no throughway—or leads to a dead end. 

Last night I dreamt that I was returning a car to a friend and was instructed to park it at a certain address on 35th Place. As I parked the car, I was approached by a person of Asian descent who questioned whether I was parking the car at the correct address (was I sure that I wanted 35th pl). In the past I have made the mistake of going to an address on 35th Street or Lane or Road. You see where that is going, right? 

The dream was over. I pondered the meaning of the dream. A dream can carry more than one meaning or interpretation. As soon as I picked up my Bible this morning, I knew that the Lord was instructing me to read Psalm 35. 

Lately, I have been migrating closer and closer to the Lord. I am experiencing greater communion with Him and receiving just a flood of illumination, revelation, and inspiration. 

I am moving into a season where I will be sharing a lot about how God ministers to his darlings through dreams. My work regarding Speaking in Tongues and The Spiritual Gifts goes on as well. 

Just to be sure, when I think of a street designated Place I usually think of the abbreviated form or Pl. So, 35th Pl.- 35 Psalm. Click here. 

My enthusiasm level is high this morning. 

That’s Not Enough Money!

Views: 191

Last night I dreamt that I was approached by a gentleman who wanted to rent a truck. I used to work in the rental car/truck industry many years ago. As we discussed the matter, I could see that all the money that the man had was a fist full of coins. 

I suggested to him that he would need more money than that and enquired as to where his other money was. It was clear that he had no other money. 

I asked him where he was going with the truck, and he said New Jersey. New Jersey! New Jersey is several hundred miles from where we were. This person was confident that the rental would take place. There was just no doubt in his mind. The dream was over. 

Earlier in the day yesterday, I made a note to myself due to some light or revelation that I received during my early morning study time/meditation. I wrote this down: “Speak to the Mountain.” I knew that it was inspiration from God so I carefully took the note and secured that it would make its way to my desk for safe cataloging. 

Mark 11: 22-23 reads as thus: And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 

For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall happen; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 

Also consider Matthew 6:25-34. 

Interpreting the dream, for me, is simple. It is a very gentle and sweet admonition to me from the Holy Spirit to move forward, nothing wavering, toward that which He has called me. 

The nice man requesting the truck was operating in faith. 




Views: 607

Several years ago I had a dream or perhaps a vision in which the only message was the word LIEGE.

Now this is a word that at that time I was not familiar with so I did what any self-respecting dream enthusiast would do – I googled it. So, as a side note do know that Liège is a province of eastern Belgium. Formerly ruled by independent prince-bishops, it became a part of the Netherlands in 1815 and of Belgium in 1830. It is situated along the Meuse River.

Now as you probably know, Liege speaks to a relationship between a Lord and His servant or Vassal. More specifically the concept is relative to Feudal Law and the responsibility that the two parties have to one another. On the surface, one is likely to think of the “Lord Liege” as the dominate party in the relationship and this is reasonable as the Lord is the one with the stuff. As we further consider this relationship, though, we understand that the Lord is expressly dependent upon His vassals (liegeman) to help Him run things. They are mutually reliant upon each other. The word liege is both a noun and an adjective in its use.

Feudalism is also described as the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

So where am I going with all this? Well, it was not difficult for me to ascertain that what my Lord (Jesus Christ) was showing me in this dream is that we are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically, He was demonstrating that He needs me (and you if you are in Him) to understand His responsibility in our relationship and He not only needs me to hold up my part but that I must be sure to hold Him responsible to do is His part.

So, let’s be clear; Jesus Christ is Lord and God. He is Sovereign. I am just telling you what He told me. We must know what his responsibilities are to us and hold Him responsible. We too need to know what it is He needs of us and move forward in those things. Do know that our relationship with him avails to us all the resources of heaven inclusive of heaven’s military.

Can I get an Amen!