Views: 439

In this recent dream I was relaxing at my home. This home was on the side of a hill. From down the street and across the road the theology teacher was hitting some baseballs up to me.

I was laying down on the ground. The first ball came near to where I was, and I tried to catch it while still lying down. I stretched my right arm to catch it as it was oh so near but, I did not get it.

He hit a second ball and it flew directly toward me but slightly over my head. I came close to catching it but not close enough. By now, the third ball is in flight and the story is the same. The thought that occurred to me was that maybe I would have better luck catching the ball if I had a baseball glove. The dream is over.

Is the interpretation not clear to you? Well maybe this next dream will help. It followed right after the earlier one.

This one is another one of my “house” dreams. My house is getting bigger. It is big enough that there are areas or rooms of it that I seldom visit.

One day I was just checking through it for doors or windows that were possibly left open or perhaps some other issue that needed attention. You know, just checking things out.

In so doing, I saw several very shady looking gentlemen hanging out near one of the entry ways. They were inside the house. These guys looked scary.

I knew them to be demons and so I commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. I spoke directly to the one that was closest to me.

The problem was that because of fear or doubt or lack of Holy Ghost Power, it was hard for me to get the words out and I stuttered.

Demons do not just go because you tell them to. The full authority of the Potentate in you must be proved to them.

Fortunately for me my Helper spoke up through me invoking the Name of Jesus Christ and commanded the demons to leave causing the one closest to me to move back into the others that were standing behind him and forcing them all out of my house. Dream over.

Do you see where I am going with this? Well, ok, here is another dream. I dreamt this one last year. I must admit that while I did write it down, I am just now beginning to understand what it means.

In this third dream, I dreamed that I was in a professional level real estate appraisal class. It was a class that I preferred not to have been in.

I have a friend sitting next to me encouraging me and keeping me awake.

Chuck is in the class and offers to lend me $20. When he opens his portfolio, I see that there is much, much buck (money) in it.

The teacher is a stickler that students must attend the entire class.

This class usually requires a case studies.

I must pass the class to advance.

Teacher announces the next case study (I am now first at the door for the exit) which is a home that is surrounded by an ocean of water. Dream over.

Dark Speech in a Dream

Views: 389

Paying close attention to our dreams and not hastily judging that a particular dream is one that you prefer not to share with others or is otherwise worth considering is a mistake. Always remember that God speaks to us to a great extent by symbols in dreams and visions. 

We should always write our dreams down and go back to them from time to time to review them and receive additional light and revelation from them as will often be the case. 

Dreams are not unlike a Rhema Word. A Rhema Word is alive. It is a living thing proceeding from the Mouth of God. So are dreams – the worthwhile ones. They are chapters added to time – implanted in as God sees fit – foreordained before the foundation of the world. 

So, you see, this ever so important phenomena that we refer to as the dream might well be the most squandered of the Spiritual Gifts of God, The Holy Spirit. And yes, I said Spiritual Gifts, for incorporated within the dream are often Words of Knowledge, Words of WisdomDiscerning of Spirits and so forth. 

It is important now though, that I tell you about my most recent dream. On January 14, 2019. In the dream, I found myself loitering around in a furniture store. The store was on the basement level. I did not work there but I was going around from one piece of furniture, having a hardwood-stained surface, to the other. 

I was waxing the furniture. My intent was to obtain a perfect finish to the pieces, and I know this to sometimes be difficult. Again, I did not work there so was unauthorized. Once my scheme was exposed, I found my way up the stairs and out of the store to the street in an urban setting. 

I was nicely dressed in an expensive suit and conducted myself haughtily as I made my way to my car. There were folks going about their business present on the street. Some of them were sort hanging or “chilling” as they say. 

As I arrived at my car, I found the passenger side door wide open, and the trunk (boot) was as well. I thought, “someone has broken into and striped my car.” I approached it slowly and found it to be intact – you know, with all the seats, electronics, wheels, and stuff still in place. 

As I proceeded to button the car up to get away from that place before the perpetrators arrived back, but they got back before I left. They were not done. There were three of them. They saw that I was back but still desired to finish what they had started. 

While two of them waited in their car, the third one approached my car and I confronted him from the inside of it and at the passenger side window and grabbed him forcefully in his collar. The dream was over. 

Wow, huh? I was ready to chuck this dream. Now you see why I introduced this post such as I did. We must learn to pay attention and let the Lord further expound as to what He is trying to convey to us. We should ask God to give us light regarding every dream that we have without fail. 

While I am sure that the waxing matter and the attempted car vandalizing and the three bad guys and the haughty attitude etc. all have symbolic meanings, let me tell you what I do know and did learn from the dream. 

My car in the dream was a late 90’s model Lincoln Mark VIII (photo inserted below). I did not know the details about the car other than it was a Lincoln until I looked it up on Google. Once I was able to view the car that was very vivid in the dream, I was able to know that it is a Mark VIII, it was easy for me to figured out at least one of the things that the Lord was trying to show me. 

He was instructing me to read from the Book of Mark, Chapter Eight. The number eight in Biblical numerology means new beginnings. Aside from that, though, what I found as I read the chapter is that despite miracle after miracle done in the seeing of the disciples there was a lack of comprehension of the same. 

The disciples had difficulties transitioning to a spiritual position of faith. The Lord admonished them to focus on the things of God and not the things of the world, to pick up their cross and follow Him, to deny themselves, to be willing to lose their lives for His sake and for the sake of the Gospel. 

He said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (vs. 36) 

In Mark 8, Jesus feeds the 4000 people with seven loaves and few small fishes and had seven baskets of leftovers. On another occasion he fed 5000 folks with five loaves having 12 baskets of fragments left. This was because they were concerned about having brought only one loaf with them on their most recent trip. 

Long story short; Our Lord and God is All Sufficient, intimately attentive to our needs, loved us to death and will return shortly in the Glory of the Father and with the Holy Angels. 

Read it for yourself.  



A Fish Out of Water

Views: 230

Last night I dreamed that I was down at the coast. I was on some sort of platform that was adjacent to the water – a dock of sorts. I am not sure about whether I was fishing or not.

Suddenly there was a big (really big) fish up on the dock and it was trying to get me. It was big enough that if It would have been able to maneuver around a little better I would have been a goner. It’s mouth was big enough to swallow me whole.

I recall striking the monster fish on it’s lips with an object. I was fighting for my safety.

Some of the symbols in this dream are obviously the fish, why it was out of the water, the dock, why was the fish trying to absorb me, the limited ability of the fish to move, the actual location or setting means something that needs to be deciphered and there are other considerations as well.

As I believe the dream to be of the Holy Spirit, the essential question is how does it pertain to my calling to promote the Spiritual growth of the Church.

Well that didn’t take long! Two nights ago I got a call from a publishing company. Stone something or another; a nice fellow by the name of Marcus D calling to let me know that my book, Utterance, Speaking in Tongues and Spiritual Gifts had come to his desk recommended by several book scalpers to have good success potential. They (Stone) were going to help me to get the book exposure and even have it displayed at the London Book Fair. There was even talk that perhaps a traditional publisher would pick it up and offer $35,000 to $250,000 signing bonus.

All indications are that the company is a scam.

Thank you Holy Spirit for the “heads up”.



Sheep and Lambs

Views: 253

This dream starts with me being in a city’s downtown area. It was raining and there were portable shelters available. They were like umbrellas. I was able to move one to an area that I chose to stand. I was waiting for public transportation.

While I waited, I noticed that there were Christmas decorations present there in the city, so I took some pictures of them with my mobile phone to send to a friend who lives in California. It was then that I noticed that my phone was broken. Half of it was missing and the face of it was gone exposing the inner workings.

Fast forward. I am now in a country setting. Feels like Colorado. I approached this farm/ranch house to see if I could use the phone.

As I approached the house and was walking up the long walkway the sons of the owner came up behind me and one of them picked pocked, my wallet. He was not a particularly good pick-pocketer though because I realized right away what had happened and was able to wrestle my wallet away from him.

I continued and entered the home where I met the owner/father and after telling him that one of his sons had just lifted my wallet. His reprimand to his son was quite mild. I explained to him that I needed to use his phone.

Now I am again at the front of the property where there are two groups of sheep. They were in two distinct stages of development. One group was to be delivered inside of (onto) the property and the other was to be taken away by me.

There appeared now a third party who was to take the in-going sheep into the premises. The outgoing sheep were to be transferred to the vessel in which the in-going sheep were once they were taken out. I asked the Third-Party Person to be sure that the vessel had plenty of water when He brought it back to be provided to the sheep that would be taken away.

Interpretation (partial):

The Rain is the presence of the Holy Spirit. The shelters/umbrellas are spiritual covering. I am transitioning from one Spiritual covering to another. The mention of public transportation speaks to the sometimes fluidity of life in the Spirit.

The lambs and sheep are the people all saved but at various levels of spiritual development.

I expect more revelation relating to this dream and will bring it to you when it is received. It might do some of you a world of good to know why the Lord started this dialogue with me in the first place. I may be shedding some light on that as well.

To God be the Glory!


Swirl Painting

Views: 478

So, Swirl Painting! 

I do not recall ever hearing the term before but, last night there it was in a dream and vividly; you know, in color. This dream must be for someone. I have not adapted it for myself yet, though I may as I gain more revelation as to what it symbolizes. 

Here is how it went. Picture a map of North Carolina fixed in a wide flat pan. In it are several paint colors. The person doing the painting is holding either side of the pan out in front of them and gently moving the pan up and down and from side to side to move the paint in a color specific manner to for example, put green where they want it and yellow or brown or black in just the right place. The painting was complete. Fascinating, huh? Remember now this is a dream. 

There! Obviously by now you have some question as to my state of mind but, do not shoot the messenger. There is a profound revelation here and it will hit us soon just like the proverbial “ton of bricks”. Fairly sure. 

Oh! I forgot to ask the Lord what it means. 

I will do that right now. 

Swirl Painting. Techniques are all over the place but we only want to know what is being symbolized; right? 



Views: 515

Last night I dreamt that I was in a location near an airport with another person. We were in a buffer zone between homes etc. and the airport.  

We looked up and saw a large airplane that was about to land. It was flying quite low. The plane flew right over us. It was as if you could reach up and touch it.  

The landing gear of the plane struck an object that was on the ground and was sheared off. The plane continued and made it to the runway. 

Meanwhile my friend and I took the landing gear and put it in a bag and proceeded to try and get it to its owners. Along the way we encountered hard to traverse terrain. At one point we received some help from a lawyer.  

We handed the bag over to the lawyer who handed it off to a female assistant. I was not comfortable with this and grabbed the bag and we left the lawyers office.  

He (the lawyer) called security and they began to use force to try and get the bag. I looked around and saw this knife which I picked up. It had a yellow handle. I stabbed at the security person, and it is like they had on a bullet proof vest, so the knife was reflected. meanwhile we were backing into the elevator and one of the security persons fired at us with a handgun. No one was hurt and the dream was over. 

What does this dream mean? I do not know. Here is what I do know. It is always important to pray and ask the Lord to help with the interpretation and to intervene if this was a prophetic dream.  

Some symbolic considerations regarding this dream are the airplane, my associate (was He the Holy Spirit?), the yellow handle of the knife (did the yellow color represent Fire?), There were engravings on it (was that Scripture?). The handgun, bag, elevator, the female assistant, and rough terrain are all symbols to be interpreted. What was my motivation for getting the bag to its owner? 

There is a lot of work to do regarding this dream. Intuition alerts me that it is an important dream.