Views: 160

On 05/25/2021 I dreamt that when I returned home one night, there were three intruders there. A fight ensued. I fought them off with a sword injuring them and forcing them outside. 

As I continued to fend them off, I shouted to standers by to “call the police.” I shouted this several times. The dream was over. 

As I pondered “what means this Lord?” I felt the Lord saying, “YOU ARE THE POLICE.” 

So, what does it mean? I instantly understood that the dream was a friendly reminder about Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” 

This we do when wrestling with principalities and powers. 

Further, Ephesians 3:10 says that the manifold wisdom of God is to be made known unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places by the church. 

 Lastly, Luke 9:1-2 says “Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 

And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.” The King of Heaven authorizes us (The Church) keep the peace on earth “as it is in Heaven.” 


Views: 170

I had this dream about 4 o’clock this morning. I was walking with a lady in a neighborhood in an urban setting. 

As we walk a woman appeared to us seeking help and saying that there were two people dead in an apartment. She led us down about half a block and into the home. 

The status or location of one of the people was not clear in the dream or not clearly remembered by me. The other person however was unconscious or dead. It was obvious that there was a gas, carbon monoxide or natural gas present. 

In the dream I could see the gas in the air showing it to be floating above what was the normal atmospheric air. I knew that we had to work fast and asked that someone would cause some ventilation. 

Focusing on the dead or near-death person after having learned her name, told her that I was going to call her back in the name of Jesus and that when I did, she would come back in perfect health with no ill effects due to any earlier conditions or any caused by the gas. 

After giving her the brief instructions, I called her back and she awoke quickly. When she appeared, her countenance was radiant, and she appeared brand new compared to the way that she looked before she was asked to wake up or come back. 


Views: 256

Last night I dreamed I was to be involved in a wrestling match. I was there, the opponent was there, and the referee was there. 

When the referee signaled for us to start to wrestle, I asked him where we would be wrestling. He said, “right here,” pointing to the floor. When I looked at the floor, I saw a badly worn wrestling mat. I had not noticed it initially. 

I told the referee that I would not wrestle in such a place and demanded a better (nicer) format. The opponent did not say a word. 

In addition to the opponent, the referee and myself, there was also One Other Person nearby looking on from a sound or control booth kind of room. He remained silent. The dream was over. 

I was deeply convicted in my spirit and understood the message that was being conveyed to me by the Lord. 

That badly worn wrestling mat has been in use since the time of Adam and Eve. The opponent’s standing by silently is yet another sign of how he (the devil) uses what may be his best weapon, subtlety. He had had many victories there. 

My demanding of another time and place for this match is symbolic of today’s Church and her unwillingness to stand boldly in all circumstances. It is like we do not know who (Whose) we are or Who lives in us. 

We, the Church, should (in modern vernacular) when told to jump should say, “how high?.” 

We are assured many times in the Bible that we are to be victorious in all things. Here are a few Bible instances: 

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands. (1Samuel 17:47) 

And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. (Romans 16:20) 

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17) 

 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) 

Given the end-time events of the day such as COVID-19, widespread apostasy, unusual weather, immorality, and such like, I am of the mind that the Rapture of the Church is desperately close. 

But since “no one knows the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power” it is incumbent upon us to start to behave not only as a Confident Church but to proceed as if we are in The Bootcamp of the Millennial Army of God because, we are. 

The Lord has charged us to make known to principalities and powers (the devil) in heavenly places the manifold wisdom of God. We are to pull others out of the fire. We are to trample underfoot the young lion and the dragon. We, being given to God and resisting the devil causes him to flee from us. He will flee to seek safety. 

As we go, we knowing that Jesus Christ is working with us, shall cast the devil out of folks and lay hand on them to see them healed. 

 The Dimension from which we work is not available to the devil for it is from Heaven and of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. 

The devil and the gate of hell is not able to withstand onslaught of the Power from the same. 

Being thoroughly baptized in the Holy Ghost and taking the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit we are strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 

We are able and instructed to and must be willing to steam roll over all the power of the enemy even as an all consuming fire. Nothing shall by any means hurt us. 


Get Out Now!

Views: 241

Last week about this time I was right in the middle of a Healing and Deliverance class in Durban, South Africa. Instruction was being given regarding casting out devils and commanding bodies to be healed and made whole in the name of Jesus Christ.
Healing and Deliverance Ministry should be available in every Christian Church inclusive of the work being done outside of the local Assembly.
The instructor Val Wolff posted some pictures and so I am inserting them below. That’s me in the blue shirt.




Views: 238

Last Sunday (May 12, 2019) I was visiting a Church for the second time. After some pretty Spirit filled testimonies from a few of the members, the Pastor preached a good Sermon. His message text was Luke, chapter 7 verses 11-15 (The Raising of the Widows Son at Nain).


After completing the Message Pastor called forward a few people and spoke into their lives (prophesied over them). Lastly, he prophesied over me.


He said that there is a Great Healing Anointing on my Life. He said that under my Ministry blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear, and the cripple will walk by the Power of God.


He anointed my hands with oil. After which, he professed to the congregants that there is a healing anointing on my life, that there is healing in my hands. He suggested to them that should any of them desire healing they should come forward.


I was only at Church for Sunday service and now look at what God was doing!


He singled out one of the Church leaders to come forward first so that we could pray specifically for her about a matter that he had discerned. We did so and there was no visible evidence of any healing for the lady. I do fully expect to hear her testimony of healing on Sunday. God does the work on His timetable.


Meanwhile, about 15-20 more people came forward including two visiting Pastors for me to pray for them. I prayed for and blessed these folks mostly either by holding their right hand or placing my hands on their head. I know that when ministering healings, they are likely to come at once at the hands of Jesus (The Holy Spirit) or shortly thereafter because of agreement and prayer of two or more saints.


I can recall only one single time in the Bible where someone went away from the Lord or Apostles not having been healed. Not being healed by the Apostles, this person was later healed by the Lord (Matthew 17:16-18).


There were two notable immediate manifestations of the people that I prayed for though. One lady had a vision. She says that while she was standing right in front of me; she didn’t see me but instead saw a person dressed in all white. She says that she did not see the persons face. She says that the person told her that she will come away from an upcoming medical procedure completely healed.


There was another lady whom I believe was second in line that apparently received mightily of God as I prayed for her holding her by her right hand. She fell to the floor because of the power of God and laid there for perhaps 15 minutes just praying in Tongues.


I expect to see full manifestation of the expected healing ministry that the Lord has put into my heart by way of a dream!

Blue Hands, A Dream Come True

Views: 1854

In December of 2017 I posted the following two dreams Blue Hands and Healing Hands. I had no doubt that the Lord was showing me in advance that the Healing Ministry is my assignment.

In Blue Hands, I pointed out that I was somewhat puzzled as to what Blue meant. I was equally interested to fine out what the two other colors that happened to my hands in that dream meant — those colors being Yellow and White.

Well, as you might imagine, I did receive the revelation as to what Blue, Yellow and White likely symbolized in the dream. I posted Blue, yellow and white in September, 2018.

Dreaming is seeing” which is a great title for a blog post in the not to distant future. What I would like to do now is bring this all together for you.

Last week I attended the Divine Healing Technician Training. It is a training that is rooted in the training and ministry of John G Lake who was a great Christian Healing Minister of the early 20th century. Notable to his legacy are the Healing Rooms network. Another is John G. Lake Ministries of which Curry R. Blake is the General Overseer. It is hard for me to imagine anyone unpacking the Truth from the bible the way that Curry R. Blake does. No compromises here — just Truth.

The JGLM copyrighted image to the left is one of the very first things that I saw when I signed in to the seminar. You will note that there is a Blue Hand on it. For all intents and purposes, it looks just like the one  that I saw in my dream.

Can you imagine my excitement and joy in the confirmation by the  Holy Spirit that I am correctly navigating  the assigned course toward being able to display my compassion toward the sick and oppressed as per the Great Commission that is outlined in the Book of Mark, Chapter 16 verses 17-18.

There is more, but that’s all that I will say for now except, don’t get to heavily invested in hospitals.


The Devil, The Church, The Holy Spirit & Me

Views: 206

On 11/27/2018 I had a three-part dream. I dreamt that there was a visitor at our house. He was initially received as an ordinary guest. 

Soon thereafter, I noticed him observing a female child with great interest as she took a shower. I admonished him for doing so and requested that he move on, and so he did. This was part one of the dream. 

In part two of the dream, I observed our guest again watching intently as the young girl took a shower. This time I advise the visitor that he was to leave the premises immediately and never to return. 

In part three of the dream, I observed two men from my vantage point on a second level balcony arriving in a pickup truck down below. They had come to retrieve a bucket that I had prepared for them. I must tell you that preparation of the bucket required some welding. 

As I grabbed the bucket that was full of water from the counter and proceeded to carry it out to them, I noticed that there was water leaking from it through a hole that was about the size of a quarter. 

I was disturbed that the bucket was leaking and knew that I could not deliver it to the men in that condition. As I pondered the situation, the dream was over. 

While it is reasonable to assume that this dream has some application pertaining to my own life, let me tell you what I believe the Holy Spirit would have me share with you regarding it. 

The young girl is the Church. The visitor is the devil. Looks like I am standing in as a leader in the Church and have done a poor job of teaching the laity regarding the Holy Spirit. Instead of Him (The Holy Spirit) overflowing the bucket, His Power is being diminished by the breech in the bottom of the bucket. 

This phenomenon of the enemy creeping in unawares is widespread and residual damage could remain after he has been dealt with. Continuous vigilance is imperative. 


The Wind and the Sun

Views: 393

Last night when the Father gave me this dream, I thought huh? what? 

Here it is. What I initially saw was a vessel (vehicle of sorts) that looked like the Wright brother’s airplane. The creator (entrepreneur) of the craft was doing some initial testing of the design by harnessing available wind at the ground level. 

As the wind blew the craft began to move. Because the initial experiment was in an urban area there were starts and stops to avoid buildings to change direction for farther forward movement. 

It is at this time that I came upon the scene and encountered the gentleman that was working on this project. As we discussed his endeavor, he began to show me what looked like solar panels and he explained to me that he expected to harness energy from the sun that would cause his contraption to soar. The dream was over! 

Yep, like I said, huh? what? 

Did not seem so simple initially but the interpretation of the dream is quite simple; the Father was talking about Himself in the Form of His Spirit and His Sonthe wind and the sun. 

I originally posted this on Oct 27, 2018, and now here it is a year and a half later (4/13/2020) and the Lord is giving me Light that the Solar Panels are my inner man having been built up in my most Holy Faith by praying in the Spirit (Praying in Tongues). 

The Father wishes us (the Ecclesia) to consider and put into perspective all His Attributes for a more complete walk and relationship with him so that we may soar Spiritually. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14) 




Blue, Yellow and White

Views: 917

In a previous post I talked about a dream that I had in which during my visit to a church while I spent a moment seated in the foyer the palms of my hands began to change colors. 

I said that initially they turned blue, and I mentioned how they also had texture that was like a low cropped fur. My hands then turned yellow and after that they turned white. Lastly, my hands returned to their original color and texture. But now there was power in my hands. I know now, too, that the more appropriate way to voice this is to say that there was Power through my hands. 

I pondered the meaning of the colors for some time and am now satisfied as to what they symbolize. Biblically speaking, blue is thought to be symbolic of Jesus Christ, Healing and Authority. Blue is the most frequently mentioned color in the Bible.  

Yellow is symbolic of Fire (Holy Ghost Fire) for purifying, burning away impurities and for Anointing and/or Power.  

White is representative of Purity, Glory and Brightness and thought to symbolize God the Father and Godliness. White is the third most referenced color in the bible behind red. The presented interpretations should not be considered a complete list of those possible for the referenced colors. 

So, you see, healing and delivering folks by the laying on of hands brings the Whole of the Godhead into their lives. The Authority, Power and Glory of God leaves no crevice for illness, injury, or demonic spirit to hide or abide with them. 

Here is the referenced dream.2 


LIEGE revisited

Views: 391

Several years ago I had a dream or perhaps a vision in which the only message was the word LIEGE.
Now this is a word that at that time I was not familiar with so I did what any self-respecting dream enthusiast would do – I googled it. So, as a side note do know that Liège is a province of eastern Belgium. Formerly ruled by independent prince-bishops, it became a part of the Netherlands in 1815 and of Belgium in 1830. It is situated along the Meuse River.

Now as you probably know, Liege speaks to a relationship between a Lord and His servant or Vassal. More specifically the concept is relative to Feudal Law and the responsibility that the two parties have to one another. On the surface, one is likely to think of the “Lord Liege” as the dominate party in the relationship and this is reasonable as the Lord is the one with the stuff.

As we further consider this relationship, though, we understand that the Lord is expressly dependent upon His vassals (liegeman) to help Him run things. They are mutually reliant upon each other. The word liege is both a noun and an adjective in it’s use.
Feudalism is also described as the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

So where am I going with all this? Well it was not difficult for me to ascertain that what my Lord (Jesus Christ) was showing me in this dream is that we are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically He was demonstrating that He needs me (and you if you are in Him) to understand His responsibility in our relationship and He not only needs me to hold up my part but that I must be sure to hold Him responsible to do is His part.

So let’s be clear; Jesus Christ is Lord and God. He is Sovereign. I am just telling you what He told me. We must know what his responsibilities are to us and hold Him responsible. We too need to know what it is He needs of us and move forward in those things. Do know that our relationship with him avails to us all the resources of heaven inclusive of heaven’s military.

Somebody say Praise The Lord!

Sheep and Lambs

Views: 253

This dream starts with me being in a city’s downtown area. It was raining and there were portable shelters available. They were like umbrellas. I was able to move one to an area that I chose to stand. I was waiting for public transportation.

While I waited, I noticed that there were Christmas decorations present there in the city, so I took some pictures of them with my mobile phone to send to a friend who lives in California. It was then that I noticed that my phone was broken. Half of it was missing and the face of it was gone exposing the inner workings.

Fast forward. I am now in a country setting. Feels like Colorado. I approached this farm/ranch house to see if I could use the phone.

As I approached the house and was walking up the long walkway the sons of the owner came up behind me and one of them picked pocked, my wallet. He was not a particularly good pick-pocketer though because I realized right away what had happened and was able to wrestle my wallet away from him.

I continued and entered the home where I met the owner/father and after telling him that one of his sons had just lifted my wallet. His reprimand to his son was quite mild. I explained to him that I needed to use his phone.

Now I am again at the front of the property where there are two groups of sheep. They were in two distinct stages of development. One group was to be delivered inside of (onto) the property and the other was to be taken away by me.

There appeared now a third party who was to take the in-going sheep into the premises. The outgoing sheep were to be transferred to the vessel in which the in-going sheep were once they were taken out. I asked the Third-Party Person to be sure that the vessel had plenty of water when He brought it back to be provided to the sheep that would be taken away.

Interpretation (partial):

The Rain is the presence of the Holy Spirit. The shelters/umbrellas are spiritual covering. I am transitioning from one Spiritual covering to another. The mention of public transportation speaks to the sometimes fluidity of life in the Spirit.

The lambs and sheep are the people all saved but at various levels of spiritual development.

I expect more revelation relating to this dream and will bring it to you when it is received. It might do some of you a world of good to know why the Lord started this dialogue with me in the first place. I may be shedding some light on that as well.

To God be the Glory!


Not In MY Neighborhood

Views: 364

This dream was communicated to me by a young man who along with his brother is in the process of starting a new church. He says that the dream started with him walking out side of his house and looking into the sky where he saw an eagle flying overhead. He said that he turned around and saw fighter jets and a big military plane with paratroopers jumping from it.

The paratroopers started to uproot new plants or bushes from the property. He said that he approached them and asked them who was in charge and what were they doing. He was told that some other man owned that property and that they (the brothers) were not allowed to plant there.

This dream is a warning by the Holy Spirit to these prospective preachers that the area where they are planning their church has a demonic presence and that don’t want no church there (yes, no church).

This was a two-part dream. See the other part here.

I Can Do That With My Eyes Closed

Views: 225

Last Friday the nice gentleman who cuts my hair told me about a dream that he had. We talk a lot about the things of the Bible when I visit with him. He is not yet Filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues.

He said that he dreamt that he was in circus-like setting (atmosphere) and that Tongues came pouring out of him. He said that he recalls laying hands on a woman, a magician of some sort. The Tongues came pouring out and he felt as if he were not in control of his body.

Additionally, he said that the ringmaster was nearby.

He said that he also remembers speaking to the lady in a very stern way and admonishing her that the Lord is saying that His people need deliverance, and they are not living the way in which He intended.  These words were, too, pouring out of him.

I believe that this for my friend is the genesis of his Spiritual Development to a higher level of Baptism with the Holy Spirit, Speaking in Tongues, Spiritual Gifts and Ministry of The Great Commission work.

His actions in the dream were Speaking in Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues which, as you know, equals Prophecy.

Symbolically, the circus is the world, the woman is the church, and the ringmaster is the Satan.

The prophetic utterance is a reminder to the Church of Her charge to conduct The Great Commission (Mark 16: 17-18).


Views: 241

Yesterday at Church the Pastor talked about a dream that he had relating to his wife. He dreamed that he was having spiritual warfare with two invisible entities. These spirits were waging an attack on his wife, and he was doing his best to fend them off.  

One of the foes was more aggressive than the other and Pastor fought furiously with it, even to the point of biting it. While the battle went on the second demon maintained a more restrained position (for some reason).  

Later in the discussion we surmised that the dream had something to do with Pastor having encouraged his wife to move forward with some ministry endeavors that she desired. Ministry that the enemy preferred that she did not do. Pastor was desirous that the congregation would pray regarding the matter. 

Upon hearing the dream, I suggested that we should pray without delay. So, we prayed, rebuking the devil, and proclaiming victory in Jesus Christ over such devices or harm intended by their spiritual wickedness. 

Immediately after having prayed, one of members present announced that he had a vision during the prayer and would tell of it. He said that he saw in the vision that Pastor’s wife had had many strings attached to her like those of a puppet. He said that he then saw a Hand from Heaven begin to cut the strings, freeing her and releasing the burden of the strings. We rejoiced in our hearing. 

But there was more to come. Immediately thereafter another person from the Church came forward with a prophetic word addressing the matter.  

She said that she had had an impression of having seen a large spaceship. It was modular. It was burdened. She related it to some contemporary cartoon or similar media. Point being, Pastors wife was able to begin to “push buttons” jettisoning some of the modules eliminating the burden to fly freely. 

This is a clear example of God allowing danger to be revealed in a dream so that prayer could be offered to bring about safety. He did also graciously show that the prayer had been answered. 



Views: 275

Yesterday I popped into the Publix Market to pick up a couple of sandwiches that I ordered online. At the check-out counter there was a person in front of me. He was an elderly gentleman. He was bowed over and moved slowly – very much so. I had compassion in my heart for him. Once he was checked out, I was led to share a thought with the check-out lady. I had to ask her to move her ear in closer to me as the gentleman was still close by and, also there was a nice lady in the line behind me.

So, I whispered to her that the day when those of us in the church will lay hands on the sick (such as this man was) and see them recover (Mark 16:18) is near at hand. I can most often discern the flavor of those with whom I am interacting – as to whether they are Christians. But we must have been thinking the same thing as she displayed the most genuine smile and gave a gracious “thank you” comment. All the while she was working  on getting someone to help the man out to his car.

Where is the dream? you ask. Here we go. Last night I dreamt that a person who was once a client  of ours stopped in to complain about something that he felt did not work out as he expected in the work that we had done for him. I started to do research to see what the matter was by contacting those who were staff at the time. As I worked at trying to get the situation resolved, I noticed that the man was in stocks, both hands and legs. By now, he was starting to break down and I was able to see that his concern had nothing to do with a previous business transaction but rather with great current distress.

My initial thought was to try to find out where this person had escaped from and to get them on the phone so that they could come and pick him up. That thought was short lived. By now, he had started to weep uncontrollably. Feeling compassion, I embraced him from behind and he went down onto his knees. Shortly thereafter I really feeling concern for him, suggested that he put his legs out in front of him to be more comfortable. My concern was not to get him back into a lockup but to get him free.

This scripture was immediately brought to my attention. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised To preach the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19).

What does it all mean? It means that the Church will now recognize and receive the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and will operate within His Power.

Break Every Chain. Shackles.



Views: 499

Following the previously posted “BLUE HANDS” Dream I fell asleep again and had yet another dream. It was my hope to know more regarding the earlier dream. Having a “continuation dream” such as this is rare. 

The dream starts out with my being a janitorial person at a school or some similar facility. My job is to clean the rooms after each session. 

I am new in the job and not doing a particularly decent job. My supervisors are not pleased with my performance. They are, however, patient with me. 

At that job there was another worker, a lady, who had the gift of healing in her hands. 

Let me just say here that any gift of healing aside from that of Jesus Christ is not one that I would discuss. 

To continue the story, though, one of the other folks working with us was having some physical difficulty and asked the referenced lady if she would lay hands on him. She agreed to and when she did, I saw a physical reaction to the energy that was released into him, and he confirmed that he no longer had any discomfort. 

Upon seeing this I recalled my previous experience with the “laying on of hands” and thought to give it a go. I touched the person who was my immediate supervisor on the head and said, “be blessed.” He convulsed mildly he smiled approval and an attitude of peace. I did the same thing to, yet another near-by worker and they too had the same reaction. 

There was another one of the workers asleep in a bed. Remember, now, this is a dream! I proceeded to touch him, and he displayed that same gentle bodily convulsion and peaceful smile while continuing to sleep. 

What does it all mean? 

The bible tells us in the book of Mark 16:18 that one of the signs that would follow the believer is that they will lay hands on the sick and that they will recover. 

I personally hope and believe that these dreams are prophetic. I thank God for them. 



Views: 609

I had this dream on the morning of 12/01/2017. I dreamt that I was driving to Church on a Sunday morning. I believe the setting to be Atlanta, Georgia. 

This was a church that I had previously visited but there was a tricky turn, and I ended up on the wrong road. As you know, we sometimes do irrational stuff in dreams as did I when I parked the car and started to walk; walking up to a Church that was not the planned one. 

 I entered the Church foyer and requested information. I sat down in the foyer next to a man and shared hellos. As I looked over the material that I had received, I noticed that the palms of my hands had turned blue. There was a texture to the blue. It was like a thin hairy or firry covering. 

To be sure I was not seeing things I asked the gentleman sitting next to me if he saw it and he said yes. At a second glance my hands had turned yellow (or amber, the color of fire), which we both saw. Then the color of my hands turned white and then back to their normal color. 

Next in the dream I was walking down the sidewalk back to my car. The nice man from the church was walking with me. As we passed two people walking in the opposite direction, I was led to touch one of them and found that there was power in my hands, which was evident by the physical reaction of both as I touched just one of them. 

 The dream was over, and I was awake. The time is about 6 AM. In a “first ever” I endeavored to go back to sleep to know more about these “Healing Hands.” 


Who Told Me That!

Views: 262

The Reverend Leroy Jenkins is/was a television minister who is well known to minister miracles and healings. Some thought/thinks that he is a fraud. I am not dealing with that one way or the other here. He never did anything to me. 

Reverend Jenkins use to somehow know what was ailing the people who came to him for a miracle or a healing. He would ask the folks saying, “who told me that?” The folks use to always reply, God (or Jesus). 

What I would like to bring to light here that there are ways to have firsthand information regarding people, things, or events. This information is usually brought to us by invisible persons who place such in our minds or in our hearts (spirits). 

Familiar spirits are persons (invisible evil spirits) from antiquity up until now which go about broadcasting unfruitful words that cause confusion, chaos, division and yes even death. True historical stories are these as they were witnessed firsthand by the teller of them. Make no mistake this is evil work. 

The Word of Wisdom and The Word of Knowledge are entirely different resources, however. The Word of Wisdom is the prophetic divulgence by the Holy Spirit (God Himself) of an act or process that is related to a Kingdom action that is to take place. A good example of this (there are many) is the Hope of the coming Rapture of the Church. The Word of Knowledge relates to divulgence by God to a person (or persons) of information that could only be known through this Supernatural source and is given for the exhortation, edification and/or comfort of the believer. 

Sometimes when we dream, God gives us information that can be used for Kingdom Business. Remember, we are always to pray when we have a dream because it is likely that God needs our approval (authorization) to move forward with His desired action regarding Earthly things. Do not forget, He gave us Dominion and The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. 











“Kill and Eat”- Visions & Dreams & Trances & Angels & Voices, Oh My!

Views: 452

Not to mention the dream symbols found in this story. Long story short, Cornelius a righteous and giving Italian Centurion had a vision in which he saw that an Angel (which frightened him) had come to bring him a message from God that his giving and prayers had not gone unnoticed but had come up as a memorial before God. He was instructed to send for Peter (and told exactly where he would be) for further instructions. 

 As his men drew near to where Peter was residing, Peter fell into a trance in which he saw, as it were, a sheet lowered down from heaven that had all matter of unclean animals (Peter was Kosher you know) on it. God instructed Peter to “kill and eat”. 

Peter reminded God that he has never eaten an unclean thing. God admonished Peter not to call that which He has cleaned, unclean. He said this to Peter three times. Peter contemplated the vison as the vessel (sheet) was taken back into Heaven. 

So now, the Spirit advised Peter that there were folks at his door and that he should go with them “doubting nothing” as they were sent by Him. The men identified themselves as having been sent by Cornelius and were provided lodging for the night. 

The following day Peter and “certain brethren” of his went with Cornelius’s party back to Cornelius’s home (Caesarea) where Cornelius had invited a welcoming party that included his friends and relatives. 

Peter arrives and after some conversation with Cornelius he preaches the Gospel to these gentiles (the first gentiles to receive the Gospel) who are all saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues. 

This story demonstrates the vast richness of “dreams and visions” and all the associated intricacies including the trance, direct communication from God (via the Holy Spirit and Angels), dream symbols (the unclean animals representing the gentiles) and certainly several others.