Views: 34

Dive into the surreal world of “A Dream of the Body of Christ: A Metaphorical Journey.” In this dark, whimsical stop-motion animation, we explore a haunting dreamscape where the church symbolizes the Body of Christ. As our narrator, Thomas, inspects the shadowy figures lurking within a towering, Gothic-inspired house, a gripping tale unfolds. Encounter suspicious beings, face a menacing hunter, and witness a dramatic twist that reveals the need for admonishment within the church community. Experience a richly textured visual narrative set to captivating jazz music and let the eerie atmosphere transport you through this metaphorical journey.

If you enjoy this video, don’t forget to like and share! #DreamInterpretation #BodyOfChrist #MetaphoricalJourney #StopMotion #Animation #DreamAnalysis #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas   


Views: 864

In this dream, I was traveling to an event carrying a correspondence portfolio. Timely delivery of the same was essential. 

As I traveled by foot, the trip was mostly uneventful. One thing of note though was that I saw a giant driving a car. He drove the car into the river. So, I thought so much for the giant and continued traveling to the destination.  

As it had gotten dark and as I entered a turn in the road, I saw the giant standing in the midst ahead of me. The thought that occurred to me was “the giant must be killed.” The dream was over. 

Just as David had a giant or two in his life, we all have giants occasionally that must be dealt with.  





Views: 160

On 05/25/2021 I dreamt that when I returned home one night, there were three intruders there. A fight ensued. I fought them off with a sword injuring them and forcing them outside. 

As I continued to fend them off, I shouted to standers by to “call the police.” I shouted this several times. The dream was over. 

As I pondered “what means this Lord?” I felt the Lord saying, “YOU ARE THE POLICE.” 

So, what does it mean? I instantly understood that the dream was a friendly reminder about Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” 

This we do when wrestling with principalities and powers. 

Further, Ephesians 3:10 says that the manifold wisdom of God is to be made known unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places by the church. 

 Lastly, Luke 9:1-2 says “Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 

And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.” The King of Heaven authorizes us (The Church) keep the peace on earth “as it is in Heaven.” 

Emblems, Demons and Casting Them Out

Views: 191

Initially in this dream, I saw a lady who was in possession of an emblem engaged in a negotiation with a man who was interested in buying it from her. My first thought was that she should counter his first offer.

Then, another man came on the scene and showed an interest in buying the emblem. He was a flashy dresser and already had several very pretty emblems around his neck.

He was very anxious to buy the emblem that the woman had and gave the impression that price was no object.

Next scene: the lady started to complain of pain in her abdomen, left side. She said that there was something moving in her abdomen. She was obviously in great pain.

I asked her if I could pray for her and so did. She had showed that she would work wholeheartedly with me. She was enthusiastic about it. This was a strong sign of her faith. I laid my hand on her body where the thing could be plainly seen to be moving. I could feel it moving.

I rebuked the thing and commanded in the Name of Jesus Christ that it die and be flushed from the body of the lady. We prayed very aggressively against the thing, she, and I.

Soon I notice that the thing was not moving. Shortly after that I notice that it could no longer be felt. I pronounce her healed of that disorder.

There is still the problem of the emblem. Largely emblems can be more problematic than we know. Many of them come with a spirit.

The truth is that the lady in my dream may have been in possession of a thing that did not want to be evicted (in that it was connected to the emblem) and so raised a fuss.

Did you know that even the cross finds its origins in pagan traditions? I am not saying to toss you Cross but do consecrate It by prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. See you Pastor about this.

If I were to give advice to the lady in the dream as to what to do with the emblem, it would be that she consults a metallurgical engineer to melt the thing down.

Glory be to Jesus Christ our Lord for showing forth this Light!


Views: 256

Last night I dreamed I was to be involved in a wrestling match. I was there, the opponent was there, and the referee was there. 

When the referee signaled for us to start to wrestle, I asked him where we would be wrestling. He said, “right here,” pointing to the floor. When I looked at the floor, I saw a badly worn wrestling mat. I had not noticed it initially. 

I told the referee that I would not wrestle in such a place and demanded a better (nicer) format. The opponent did not say a word. 

In addition to the opponent, the referee and myself, there was also One Other Person nearby looking on from a sound or control booth kind of room. He remained silent. The dream was over. 

I was deeply convicted in my spirit and understood the message that was being conveyed to me by the Lord. 

That badly worn wrestling mat has been in use since the time of Adam and Eve. The opponent’s standing by silently is yet another sign of how he (the devil) uses what may be his best weapon, subtlety. He had had many victories there. 

My demanding of another time and place for this match is symbolic of today’s Church and her unwillingness to stand boldly in all circumstances. It is like we do not know who (Whose) we are or Who lives in us. 

We, the Church, should (in modern vernacular) when told to jump should say, “how high?.” 

We are assured many times in the Bible that we are to be victorious in all things. Here are a few Bible instances: 

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands. (1Samuel 17:47) 

And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. (Romans 16:20) 

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17) 

 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) 

Given the end-time events of the day such as COVID-19, widespread apostasy, unusual weather, immorality, and such like, I am of the mind that the Rapture of the Church is desperately close. 

But since “no one knows the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power” it is incumbent upon us to start to behave not only as a Confident Church but to proceed as if we are in The Bootcamp of the Millennial Army of God because, we are. 

The Lord has charged us to make known to principalities and powers (the devil) in heavenly places the manifold wisdom of God. We are to pull others out of the fire. We are to trample underfoot the young lion and the dragon. We, being given to God and resisting the devil causes him to flee from us. He will flee to seek safety. 

As we go, we knowing that Jesus Christ is working with us, shall cast the devil out of folks and lay hand on them to see them healed. 

 The Dimension from which we work is not available to the devil for it is from Heaven and of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. 

The devil and the gate of hell is not able to withstand onslaught of the Power from the same. 

Being thoroughly baptized in the Holy Ghost and taking the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit we are strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 

We are able and instructed to and must be willing to steam roll over all the power of the enemy even as an all consuming fire. Nothing shall by any means hurt us. 


SNAKES (serpents)

Views: 215

The snake (serpent) or reptiles in general is probably the most prominent symbol representing the devil, Satan the adversary. The devil hates God and he hates us. In his mind there is no atrocity too harsh to be inflicted upon mankind. It has been this way since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.

My guess is that when the Satan heard the Father give dominion over the earth and everything herein to mankind he flew off into a rage from which he has not, nor shall recover.

It is not nearly as widely known as it aught to be that the devil was crippled by the events of Calvary and that the victory that we (believers and those destined to salvation) have because of the same, renders his works destroyed by the invoking of the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

The problem is that the situation  is akin to one having a bank account that is chalked full  of money but not knowing that the funds are there and ready for use. So too is our situation in the world today not knowing that sickness, premature death, poverty, oppression, depression or any thing that diminishes or cause the quality of our lives to be anything other than perfect are illegal conditions (works of the devil) that need only to be rebuked and caste out in the name of and by the authority of Jesus Christ.

Speaking of serpents or “that old serpent“, I’m going to tell you a story about an encounter in my life a few years ago that is yes, inclusive of a dream. You will love this story.

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Genesis 3:1)

I wrote this down in February of 2004. “For a few weeks now I have had some discomfort in my right shoulder. Initially I thought it was due to some lifting while moving furniture. After having the discomfort for some time I had a dream in which it was revealed to me that there was a serpent attached to my shoulder and it was revealed also that the serpent would have to release the hold.”

Well about ten days subsequent to having had the dream I heard the Lord say in a dream “loose him.” The discomfort didn’t immediately subside but I knew that it would because I had heard the Lord command that it be so.

Do know that I had my shoulder looked in the meantime by an orthopedic doctor. I thought that there was a chance of perhaps a rotator cuff  tear — but wasn’t the case. Seeing a doctor while waiting to be healed is probably an excellent idea as sometimes that where the Lord has arranged for the healing to be.

About eight years later, one day on the way to church, I asked the Lord to move on the Pastor to pray for the sick as part of the service. The Pastor did in fact pray for the sick that day. He asked that everyone that had sickness or discomfort in their body stand and that all of the people positioned near them to lay hands on them while he prayed. I, of course, was one of those receiving prayer. I had no more discomfort in my shoulder after perhaps three or four days. Nor since.



Dark Speech in a Dream

Views: 389

Paying close attention to our dreams and not hastily judging that a particular dream is one that you prefer not to share with others or is otherwise worth considering is a mistake. Always remember that God speaks to us to a great extent by symbols in dreams and visions. 

We should always write our dreams down and go back to them from time to time to review them and receive additional light and revelation from them as will often be the case. 

Dreams are not unlike a Rhema Word. A Rhema Word is alive. It is a living thing proceeding from the Mouth of God. So are dreams – the worthwhile ones. They are chapters added to time – implanted in as God sees fit – foreordained before the foundation of the world. 

So, you see, this ever so important phenomena that we refer to as the dream might well be the most squandered of the Spiritual Gifts of God, The Holy Spirit. And yes, I said Spiritual Gifts, for incorporated within the dream are often Words of Knowledge, Words of WisdomDiscerning of Spirits and so forth. 

It is important now though, that I tell you about my most recent dream. On January 14, 2019. In the dream, I found myself loitering around in a furniture store. The store was on the basement level. I did not work there but I was going around from one piece of furniture, having a hardwood-stained surface, to the other. 

I was waxing the furniture. My intent was to obtain a perfect finish to the pieces, and I know this to sometimes be difficult. Again, I did not work there so was unauthorized. Once my scheme was exposed, I found my way up the stairs and out of the store to the street in an urban setting. 

I was nicely dressed in an expensive suit and conducted myself haughtily as I made my way to my car. There were folks going about their business present on the street. Some of them were sort hanging or “chilling” as they say. 

As I arrived at my car, I found the passenger side door wide open, and the trunk (boot) was as well. I thought, “someone has broken into and striped my car.” I approached it slowly and found it to be intact – you know, with all the seats, electronics, wheels, and stuff still in place. 

As I proceeded to button the car up to get away from that place before the perpetrators arrived back, but they got back before I left. They were not done. There were three of them. They saw that I was back but still desired to finish what they had started. 

While two of them waited in their car, the third one approached my car and I confronted him from the inside of it and at the passenger side window and grabbed him forcefully in his collar. The dream was over. 

Wow, huh? I was ready to chuck this dream. Now you see why I introduced this post such as I did. We must learn to pay attention and let the Lord further expound as to what He is trying to convey to us. We should ask God to give us light regarding every dream that we have without fail. 

While I am sure that the waxing matter and the attempted car vandalizing and the three bad guys and the haughty attitude etc. all have symbolic meanings, let me tell you what I do know and did learn from the dream. 

My car in the dream was a late 90’s model Lincoln Mark VIII (photo inserted below). I did not know the details about the car other than it was a Lincoln until I looked it up on Google. Once I was able to view the car that was very vivid in the dream, I was able to know that it is a Mark VIII, it was easy for me to figured out at least one of the things that the Lord was trying to show me. 

He was instructing me to read from the Book of Mark, Chapter Eight. The number eight in Biblical numerology means new beginnings. Aside from that, though, what I found as I read the chapter is that despite miracle after miracle done in the seeing of the disciples there was a lack of comprehension of the same. 

The disciples had difficulties transitioning to a spiritual position of faith. The Lord admonished them to focus on the things of God and not the things of the world, to pick up their cross and follow Him, to deny themselves, to be willing to lose their lives for His sake and for the sake of the Gospel. 

He said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (vs. 36) 

In Mark 8, Jesus feeds the 4000 people with seven loaves and few small fishes and had seven baskets of leftovers. On another occasion he fed 5000 folks with five loaves having 12 baskets of fragments left. This was because they were concerned about having brought only one loaf with them on their most recent trip. 

Long story short; Our Lord and God is All Sufficient, intimately attentive to our needs, loved us to death and will return shortly in the Glory of the Father and with the Holy Angels. 

Read it for yourself.  



The Devil, The Church, The Holy Spirit & Me

Views: 206

On 11/27/2018 I had a three-part dream. I dreamt that there was a visitor at our house. He was initially received as an ordinary guest. 

Soon thereafter, I noticed him observing a female child with great interest as she took a shower. I admonished him for doing so and requested that he move on, and so he did. This was part one of the dream. 

In part two of the dream, I observed our guest again watching intently as the young girl took a shower. This time I advise the visitor that he was to leave the premises immediately and never to return. 

In part three of the dream, I observed two men from my vantage point on a second level balcony arriving in a pickup truck down below. They had come to retrieve a bucket that I had prepared for them. I must tell you that preparation of the bucket required some welding. 

As I grabbed the bucket that was full of water from the counter and proceeded to carry it out to them, I noticed that there was water leaking from it through a hole that was about the size of a quarter. 

I was disturbed that the bucket was leaking and knew that I could not deliver it to the men in that condition. As I pondered the situation, the dream was over. 

While it is reasonable to assume that this dream has some application pertaining to my own life, let me tell you what I believe the Holy Spirit would have me share with you regarding it. 

The young girl is the Church. The visitor is the devil. Looks like I am standing in as a leader in the Church and have done a poor job of teaching the laity regarding the Holy Spirit. Instead of Him (The Holy Spirit) overflowing the bucket, His Power is being diminished by the breech in the bottom of the bucket. 

This phenomenon of the enemy creeping in unawares is widespread and residual damage could remain after he has been dealt with. Continuous vigilance is imperative. 


He Has Done It Again! (A Two-fer)

Views: 212

Disclaimer: Some of the content of this post depicts violence and may be disturbing to some.

Last night I dreamt the following regarding a young man that I know. In the dream he was preparing to drive off to a destination. He was in a large parking lot.

Beyond the lot where he was there was a gun battle pursuing that was beyond his ability to hear. I noticed that he was once struck from behind by what appears to have been a superficial perforating bullet. Not fully knowing what had happened he turned around and after seeing that there was a problem was stricken again. As he was about to run for cover, he was again hit by a projectile in the back and he went down. I was devastated.

As I was now awake, I knew immediately that the Holy Spirit was bringing to my attention some impending danger to the young man and I immediately began to pray. As I recall, I prayed in the understanding (English) and I prayed in tongues. Praying gives God authority to act in the natural realm.

Since I now know that the Holy Spirit won’t show you impending danger unless He is at the ready to intervene on your behalf (or on the behalf of the  person in need of the intervention) and after praying I was confident that this matter was (or was to be) taken care of. I also fully knew that in due time the Lord would reveal to me the circumstances confirming the matter. I went back to sleep.

Part 2: Upon gong back to sleep I had another dream. In this dream, the same young man of the part one dream is the subject. He is again about to get into his car to go to a destination. As he approaches his car he encounters a very menacing dog – a bulldog or pit-bull perhaps. The young man stood his ground but the dog continued to advance. That is when I went into action. I had some kind of cushiony object attached to a stick in my hand and I charged after the dog with it.

The dog retreated and I surmised and suggested to the standers-by that it was ill and should be taken to the doctor (vet). The young man safely jumped into his car and went about his business.

Do you see what just happened? The Holy Spirit (Jesus Christ Himself) alerted me to an impending occurrence of certain danger so I could ask Him and give him permission to intervene. Because of His Caring Spirit, He not only managed the matter but chose not to have me wait until a later date for assurance of that fact.

The Lord revealed to me in back to back dreams a problem and its resolution.

As a side note; I had a brief conservation with the young man this morning and was able to determined that in fact he had been encountering spiritual warfare and had also received confirming word from the Lord releasing a burden that he had been carrying.

If you are reading this, it is meant to be a lesson to you and assurance that Gods desire is to be closer to us than a friend and that if sought, He will be found. No weapon formed against you shall prosper!


Further Intimidation

Views: 309

This dream is the second dream told to me by a young preacher who along with his brother is in the process of starting a new church. He says that in this dream he was at home with his brother as someone knocked on the door. He said that as he was about to open the door to see who was there his brother cautioned him not to. He opened the door anyway and asked the man what he wanted. He said that he couldn’t see the man’s face but sensed he was evil and so he ran back inside and was chased by the man. The brothers quickly closed the door on the man.

What is clear from my conversation with the young gentleman is that the enemy intends to intimidate them into not moving forward with there church.

Further, the aggressive attack upon them makes it clear that God intends to  Powerfully use the proposed Church for Kingdom business.

See the first dream here. 

February 2004

Views: 267

More than ten years ago I had some discomfort in my right shoulder that had persisted for some time. I am not sure exactly what caused it but likely it was due to having moved something heavy. The discomfort re-occurred when I exercised or lifted something that was more than slightly heavy. 

I specifically also remember much discomfort when I would raise my hands during praise and worship! 

One night in a dream I saw that a serpent had a hold onto my shoulder (obviously the spiritual cause of the problem). The Lord revealed to me that the serpent would be removed.  

Sometime after that I heard the Lord speak. He said to the serpent these words “loose him!” I began to feel yet more improvement.  

A few weeks ago, while I was on the way to church, I prayed to the Lord that our pastor and pastors all over would pray for healing in all their respective assemblies. Sure enough, our pastor did after having a show of hands as to who desired such prayer, had the members pray for one another, laying hands on each other.  

Long story short, I am now able to do my push-ups and pull-ups etc. and not have to reach for the Tylenol afterward. There is absolutely no issue with my shoulder no matter what I do. We can be sure that if God speaks something it will happen.