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In a previous dream, I talked about an encounter with two giants. Further interpretating the dream, let me say that the Lord was revealing to me a coming danger or threat from the enemy to thwart Kingdom work that I am involved in.
As it happened, a meeting that I attended a few days after the dream in which a decision as to whether I would proceed with a certain project generated a negative result.
I did not think much about it at the time but was hopeful for a positive response. Importantly, as I consider myself to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things, I returned home for the sorting through of other options.
About three days later as I lay in bed, I heard a voice say, “Break In!”
This was baffling as no one was in the room but me and the alarm system does not say that. While I pondered the communication, as to from whence it came, I heard the voice once again, “Break In!”
After checking about to know if anyone else in the house had been hearing voices, I concluded that the Lord had spoken to me regarding the matter revealing the real purpose of the giants and how they were sent to prevent the assignment and that I was to “Break In” or reactivate the project and see it to fruition.
This important work is about DREAMS and how the Most High uses dreams to help us to know and fulfill our purpose and to help Him to complete His Work.