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Initially in this dream, I saw a lady who was in possession of an emblem engaged in a negotiation with a man who was interested in buying it from her. My first thought was that she should counter his first offer.
Then, another man came on the scene and showed an interest in buying the emblem. He was a flashy dresser and already had several very pretty emblems around his neck.
He was very anxious to buy the emblem that the woman had and gave the impression that price was no object.
Next scene: the lady started to complain of pain in her abdomen, left side. She said that there was something moving in her abdomen. She was obviously in great pain.
I asked her if I could pray for her and so did. She had showed that she would work wholeheartedly with me. She was enthusiastic about it. This was a strong sign of her faith. I laid my hand on her body where the thing could be plainly seen to be moving. I could feel it moving.
I rebuked the thing and commanded in the Name of Jesus Christ that it die and be flushed from the body of the lady. We prayed very aggressively against the thing, she, and I.
Soon I notice that the thing was not moving. Shortly after that I notice that it could no longer be felt. I pronounce her healed of that disorder.
There is still the problem of the emblem. Largely emblems can be more problematic than we know. Many of them come with a spirit.
The truth is that the lady in my dream may have been in possession of a thing that did not want to be evicted (in that it was connected to the emblem) and so raised a fuss.
Did you know that even the cross finds its origins in pagan traditions? I am not saying to toss you Cross but do consecrate It by prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. See you Pastor about this.
If I were to give advice to the lady in the dream as to what to do with the emblem, it would be that she consults a metallurgical engineer to melt the thing down.
Glory be to Jesus Christ our Lord for showing forth this Light!