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The Lord often gives us dreams showing impending danger. The first dream of this nature in the bible is one that a nice person by the name of Abimelech had.
He had found Abraham’s wife Sarah to be quite attractive and since Abraham had falsely said that she was his sister (this was partially true, as Abraham and Sarah had the same father). Abimelech sent and took Sarah. She was Abraham’s wife though.
That night God came to him in dream and said “Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man’s wife.” Now Abimelech had not gone into Sarah because God did not allow it and was able to return her to Abraham and to save his life. The repercussions of a violation by Abimelech would have been catastrophic not only because Abimelech would have died but also the harm that would have come to his country. You can find this fascinating story here.
Several years ago, a couple, friends of mine, were planning a move to a location in which job opportunities would be better for them. They are both MBA’s.
A job opportunity for them became available in New York. They started talking about it and making plans to move there.
While this was happening, the Lord spoke to me in a dream regarding them saying just one word, “Chicago“. I advised them of what God had said suggested that their purpose was to be in Chicago rather than New York.
Almost immediately they got job offers from Chicago. They moved to Chicago and are still there ten years later.
Last week I had recurring dreams (doubled). It was about a friend that I went to school with many years ago. We have not been in recent contact but were good friends.
You have heard me say in the past that when I dream about someone that I know or someone that I do not know (sometimes God just gives me a name) I realize that the Lord wants me to pray for that person.
I have prayed for him. I took it a step further and tried calling him using a number that I got off the internet. I left a message and hope that he calls me back. I will bet you 25 cents that he has been going through something and the Lord needed someone in the earth to pray and give Him permission to intercede.
I will be able to assure him the God is concerned about him and has handled the situation; whatever it was!
If you have a dream that includes sad news, take it to the Lord and give Him permission to re-write the script.