Views: 343

Last night I decided to meditate on Bible Scripture from memory while I fell asleep rather than listening to Bible teaching on the CD player as I most often do. 

I cannot say enough about having The Word hidden in the heart to be summoned in a time of need! 

I first recalled Ephesians 6:10 with the intent of reciting silently through verse 20. The devil hates it when I do that and throws out many distractions. 

I then found myself reflecting on Philippians 2:13 which reads “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” 

Let that soak in. 

After that I at once saw a vision of the similitude of a man’s face. In an instant I now saw the Left Hand of God. He said these things about His Hand: “with this Hand I created, and I sustain the universe, This Hand is your place of protection, it is your help in time of need, your destiny is directed by It, you are chastened by This Hand, and no man can pluck you from This Hand.” 

I equate The Left Hand of God to be the Holy Spirit. 

The vision was vivid, and He made motions during it such as closing The Hand gently to show protection and opening it wide to express creation. 

I felt great peace upon arising this morning. 


Views: 238

Last Sunday (May 12, 2019) I was visiting a Church for the second time. After some pretty Spirit filled testimonies from a few of the members, the Pastor preached a good Sermon. His message text was Luke, chapter 7 verses 11-15 (The Raising of the Widows Son at Nain).


After completing the Message Pastor called forward a few people and spoke into their lives (prophesied over them). Lastly, he prophesied over me.


He said that there is a Great Healing Anointing on my Life. He said that under my Ministry blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear, and the cripple will walk by the Power of God.


He anointed my hands with oil. After which, he professed to the congregants that there is a healing anointing on my life, that there is healing in my hands. He suggested to them that should any of them desire healing they should come forward.


I was only at Church for Sunday service and now look at what God was doing!


He singled out one of the Church leaders to come forward first so that we could pray specifically for her about a matter that he had discerned. We did so and there was no visible evidence of any healing for the lady. I do fully expect to hear her testimony of healing on Sunday. God does the work on His timetable.


Meanwhile, about 15-20 more people came forward including two visiting Pastors for me to pray for them. I prayed for and blessed these folks mostly either by holding their right hand or placing my hands on their head. I know that when ministering healings, they are likely to come at once at the hands of Jesus (The Holy Spirit) or shortly thereafter because of agreement and prayer of two or more saints.


I can recall only one single time in the Bible where someone went away from the Lord or Apostles not having been healed. Not being healed by the Apostles, this person was later healed by the Lord (Matthew 17:16-18).


There were two notable immediate manifestations of the people that I prayed for though. One lady had a vision. She says that while she was standing right in front of me; she didn’t see me but instead saw a person dressed in all white. She says that she did not see the persons face. She says that the person told her that she will come away from an upcoming medical procedure completely healed.


There was another lady whom I believe was second in line that apparently received mightily of God as I prayed for her holding her by her right hand. She fell to the floor because of the power of God and laid there for perhaps 15 minutes just praying in Tongues.


I expect to see full manifestation of the expected healing ministry that the Lord has put into my heart by way of a dream!


Views: 183

There once was (and still is) a man. An ordinary man. This man had a glimmer of light in his heart – in the center of his being. Faint it was, hardly noticed by anyone except his parents. It stayed that way for years and years but was obtaining a solid position in there – kind of like a tree as it stretches out its root system to be able to stand even to reach the clouds.

One day this nice gentleman was made aware of an outside source of light. One that was exterior to him but that is very much like the light which he owned. This Light is the greatest of all light. It is the Light of the world. It is the Source of all life in the universe.

He somehow knew that that light was beckoning him to let It come into him. It wanted to join him and grow in him. This most powerful Light would be largely subservient to the light of our friend whom we mentioned first in this little story. It would be a Helper. The Great Light is a source of Eternal information and Jethro; let us call our friend Jethro, can access this information and increasingly so as he builds his relationship with the Light.

Once choosing to cohabitate with the Light – join his light with that Light – change was swift and exponential. The light that was in him was no longer just a flicker. It had grown, filling his abdominal cavity to an explosive ability. His cranial cavity became alive and radiant with activity because of the Light. He began to know things, to see and hear more clearly. His sense of right and wrong became keener. Key components of the two referenced systems are now more aware of each other and working together. Compassion and love are intrinsic in his personality.

His thoracic cavity is also infiltrated by the Light giving him increased ability to spew out words of encouragement here and there and upon those whom he chooses or when he is petitioned to do so. His message is one of love. That Light shown throughout his whole body. His movement is more graceful and displays positive intent.

The Light is no longer contained inside his body. It emanates from his body and becomes somewhat like a force field of love and all that is positive. Those meeting him senses this Power (that is what it is, power) not fully, if at all, understanding what it is.

But that is not all. Remember that I said that that Light is external to that of Jethro. Well, the Great Light while it works within Jethro, it (He) also has a life and agenda all His own. That Light is always everywhere Jethro goes, even if the atmosphere appears to be dark. In fact, there are times when the Light will pick, for example, to intervene in the ordinary course of nature to bring about some change. An example of this might be to open blind eyes or to cause a cripple person to walk.

The Light (you probably noticed the upper-case L) now that He has opened a line of communication (communion even) with Jethro is able to conduct such work in the natural realm using a natural person.


Views: 344

On September 05, 2016, I dreamt that a thief was caught in the act of thievery. Fast forward to another scene in the dream and, I am suggesting to a preacher that he should step down (resign his position as Pastor). 

Meanwhile, I hear the Lord saying that “the thief is to be the new preacher.” It appears to me that the Lord is intent on doing some house cleaning and the thief in the dream is symbolic of one of the thieves that died on the cross next to the Lord. The Lord found his heart to be in the right condition to enter the Kingdom (Paradise) the same day as their crucifixion.  

“And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou come into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23: 42-43) 

“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Revelation 2:5) 

I discern that my mandate here is to admonish the Shepherds to heed the Great Commission Instructions (Mark 16) just as they are spoken by the Lord and train their sheep in them before their candlesticks are taken away. 

Additionally, woe unto you of the Seminaries around the world that are turning out candidates in the name of Jesus Christ which are not Baptized by the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues. I say this with Authority. 

Speaking of admonitions, I am aware of what the bible says as to how we should regard preachers (Men and Women of God). 1 Chronicles 16:22 makes this abundantly clear and if that was not clear enough, Psalms 105:15 confirms the seriousness of this matter. Both verses read:  

“Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.” 



Views: 609

I had this dream on the morning of 12/01/2017. I dreamt that I was driving to Church on a Sunday morning. I believe the setting to be Atlanta, Georgia. 

This was a church that I had previously visited but there was a tricky turn, and I ended up on the wrong road. As you know, we sometimes do irrational stuff in dreams as did I when I parked the car and started to walk; walking up to a Church that was not the planned one. 

 I entered the Church foyer and requested information. I sat down in the foyer next to a man and shared hellos. As I looked over the material that I had received, I noticed that the palms of my hands had turned blue. There was a texture to the blue. It was like a thin hairy or firry covering. 

To be sure I was not seeing things I asked the gentleman sitting next to me if he saw it and he said yes. At a second glance my hands had turned yellow (or amber, the color of fire), which we both saw. Then the color of my hands turned white and then back to their normal color. 

Next in the dream I was walking down the sidewalk back to my car. The nice man from the church was walking with me. As we passed two people walking in the opposite direction, I was led to touch one of them and found that there was power in my hands, which was evident by the physical reaction of both as I touched just one of them. 

 The dream was over, and I was awake. The time is about 6 AM. In a “first ever” I endeavored to go back to sleep to know more about these “Healing Hands.” 


“Kill and Eat”- Visions & Dreams & Trances & Angels & Voices, Oh My!

Views: 452

Not to mention the dream symbols found in this story. Long story short, Cornelius a righteous and giving Italian Centurion had a vision in which he saw that an Angel (which frightened him) had come to bring him a message from God that his giving and prayers had not gone unnoticed but had come up as a memorial before God. He was instructed to send for Peter (and told exactly where he would be) for further instructions. 

 As his men drew near to where Peter was residing, Peter fell into a trance in which he saw, as it were, a sheet lowered down from heaven that had all matter of unclean animals (Peter was Kosher you know) on it. God instructed Peter to “kill and eat”. 

Peter reminded God that he has never eaten an unclean thing. God admonished Peter not to call that which He has cleaned, unclean. He said this to Peter three times. Peter contemplated the vison as the vessel (sheet) was taken back into Heaven. 

So now, the Spirit advised Peter that there were folks at his door and that he should go with them “doubting nothing” as they were sent by Him. The men identified themselves as having been sent by Cornelius and were provided lodging for the night. 

The following day Peter and “certain brethren” of his went with Cornelius’s party back to Cornelius’s home (Caesarea) where Cornelius had invited a welcoming party that included his friends and relatives. 

Peter arrives and after some conversation with Cornelius he preaches the Gospel to these gentiles (the first gentiles to receive the Gospel) who are all saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues. 

This story demonstrates the vast richness of “dreams and visions” and all the associated intricacies including the trance, direct communication from God (via the Holy Spirit and Angels), dream symbols (the unclean animals representing the gentiles) and certainly several others. 



Views: 376

About a week ago I met and had a conversation with a nice lady. She is an entertainer, and I got the impression that she is increasingly seeking the Lord. 

She told me a dream that she had. She indicated that she was baffled and just a little frightened by the dream. It caused her to question her salvation. 

In the dream she saw the heavens (the clouds and atmosphere) being removed from the sky. This was accomplished by a big hand rolling back the sky. She kept speaking about the big hand. It made an enormous impression on her. All that was visible in the sky was an extremely bright light. The light was brighter than the sun and, again, she was very frightened by what she saw. 

I told her that she should not be scared because of the dream because it was foundationally Biblical. I gave her scriptural references. I went on to assure her that if she believed in her heart and confessed with her mouth that Jesus is the resurrected Son of God that she need not worry about her salvation. 

What God was showing her is found in the Bible in Revelation Chapter 16, verse 14; “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” and Isaiah 34:14;  “And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.” 

I will not elaborate on the scripture references here but will say that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour the coming end time days will not be pleasant for you. Talk about sugar coating! 

As for you Mrs. Jones, my title here is just a message to you that you are really blessed that the Lord showed you this vision. He would not have “cast it before swine” (Matthew 7:6). This can only mean greater things for you as you pursue Him. 

The real message here is that the “Day of The Lord” is at hand (pun intended). 

Here is how you escape. 

May He be praised forevermore! 




Views: 607

Several years ago I had a dream or perhaps a vision in which the only message was the word LIEGE.

Now this is a word that at that time I was not familiar with so I did what any self-respecting dream enthusiast would do – I googled it. So, as a side note do know that Liège is a province of eastern Belgium. Formerly ruled by independent prince-bishops, it became a part of the Netherlands in 1815 and of Belgium in 1830. It is situated along the Meuse River.

Now as you probably know, Liege speaks to a relationship between a Lord and His servant or Vassal. More specifically the concept is relative to Feudal Law and the responsibility that the two parties have to one another. On the surface, one is likely to think of the “Lord Liege” as the dominate party in the relationship and this is reasonable as the Lord is the one with the stuff. As we further consider this relationship, though, we understand that the Lord is expressly dependent upon His vassals (liegeman) to help Him run things. They are mutually reliant upon each other. The word liege is both a noun and an adjective in its use.

Feudalism is also described as the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

So where am I going with all this? Well, it was not difficult for me to ascertain that what my Lord (Jesus Christ) was showing me in this dream is that we are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically, He was demonstrating that He needs me (and you if you are in Him) to understand His responsibility in our relationship and He not only needs me to hold up my part but that I must be sure to hold Him responsible to do is His part.

So, let’s be clear; Jesus Christ is Lord and God. He is Sovereign. I am just telling you what He told me. We must know what his responsibilities are to us and hold Him responsible. We too need to know what it is He needs of us and move forward in those things. Do know that our relationship with him avails to us all the resources of heaven inclusive of heaven’s military.

Can I get an Amen!


Views: 421

20 years ago, I felt as if I was not growing in my relationship with God. I was not paying much attention to Him, and I felt as if He was not paying much attention to me; so, I asked Him in prayer if He would work with me and help me to grow in Wisdom and Power and use me for Kingdom purposes. 

Shortly thereafter, the Lord appeared to me in a dream and opened before me a Bible. I should proclaim right here the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that Jesus Christ is Lord and God. 

He turned a few pages of the bible and on either side of each page there was writing but on the back side of these pages they were blank. The Lord said to me “my son as you can see everything is not clearly revealed in My Word, but it is like a puzzle that must be unraveled.” In so speaking He placed a Rubik’s Cube on the pages of the bible, and he said, “I will now show you the mysteries of and help you to understand and search out greater Revelation pertaining to my Word.” 

Almost immediately from that time, I was led to seek out the Book Of Enoch the content of which takes your faith to another level. It is not necessarily an easy read, though, and being Holy Spirit led is essential. I have learned that Watchman Nee’s works are also important for those of us wanting to build up our spirit and faith. My level of communion with the living God is richer because of my request. The Lord is constantly showing me in dreams and visions things that are about to happen. 


How God speaks through Visions

Views: 273

If you ask the typical Christian how the Lord/God speaks to us, they will tell you that it is by His Word/The Bible. Pressing them further will probably get you an array of answers including, through Jesus, Nature, other believers and the list goes on and probably mostly all have some validity. I believe that a Christian with any level of Spiritual maturity (having received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues for example) can be led by God (The Holy Spirit) through dreams, visions and direct spiritual communication (the revelation gifts of the Spirit) to fulfill his/her Kingdom purpose while here on the earth.

Visions, though, are much as the name connotes; “you see something” as if in reality that which pertains to the message that God is trying to convey (please, if you are not a Christian you simply will not get the full benefit of dreams and visions). Visions come in three basic forms, spiritual, likely while you are a sleep or in a very quiet state; open, similar to a real life experience;  or while in a trance, the physical senses of one are likely suspended during this kind of vision. While the message of the vision are likely very clear, the conscience state of seer is cataleptic, or hypnotic.

An excellent example of visions can be found in the story of the gentile Cornelius’s salvation (and that of those in his household) in Acts chapter 10. Act 10:1