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In this dream I am on the way to Church. I am driving down the motorway on a mattress. There is light traffic. Just ahead of me is a hippie type on a motorcycle. Another person looked on from his vehicle.

At the stop light It was found out that we are on the way to the same Church. We exchanged some pleasantries and made our way onto the Church property.

The biker easily parked but I was told that my ride required special handling. When I finally found a place to park it was a file cabinet kind of thing in which I had to slide the mattress into.

I was given a key and instructions for retrieving it after church was over. The dream was over.

After pondering this dream for a few moments, the Holy Spirit said to me that the mattress was symbolic of the Gospel (The Word of God). He said that this would not be allowed at that church.

He said that since ones’ mattress is a place of comfort, He thought that it was a great symbol for use in the dream.

We must never compromise the Word of God. We must always keep it with us for the Comfort that is contained in It.