February 2004

Views: 267

More than ten years ago I had some discomfort in my right shoulder that had persisted for some time. I am not sure exactly what caused it but likely it was due to having moved something heavy. The discomfort re-occurred when I exercised or lifted something that was more than slightly heavy. 

I specifically also remember much discomfort when I would raise my hands during praise and worship! 

One night in a dream I saw that a serpent had a hold onto my shoulder (obviously the spiritual cause of the problem). The Lord revealed to me that the serpent would be removed.  

Sometime after that I heard the Lord speak. He said to the serpent these words “loose him!” I began to feel yet more improvement.  

A few weeks ago, while I was on the way to church, I prayed to the Lord that our pastor and pastors all over would pray for healing in all their respective assemblies. Sure enough, our pastor did after having a show of hands as to who desired such prayer, had the members pray for one another, laying hands on each other.  

Long story short, I am now able to do my push-ups and pull-ups etc. and not have to reach for the Tylenol afterward. There is absolutely no issue with my shoulder no matter what I do. We can be sure that if God speaks something it will happen.