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Last night I dreamt that I was walking down a stream (river) with a couple of other people. The water was moving fast and there were some obstructions. Suddenly, one of the guys got into trouble and was forced under the water and was having difficulty re-surfacing. The other person that was accompanying us said to me “grab him and get him out”.
Helping a drowning person can sometimes be a dangerous proposition as they may lay hold of and incapacitate you and your efforts to help. He appeared to have washed under some tree branches and I was unable to see him. I felt around for him and once getting a hold of him I grabbed him quickly and shoved him up on the opposite bank. He lives to see another day.
Interpretation: while walking in the Spirit, I was able to discern that a person needed help. The Third Person present (The Helper) instructed that I help. There was no time to waste. Can you say victory in the Holy Ghost?