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So, as you know, Hurricane Sandy occurred in 2012 and caused an unpresidented amount of damage in the North Eastern part of the United States. In Christendom aside from dreams and visions, the Lord imparts information to us through a direct communication to our human spirits so we just know stuff, kind of like intuition you just know that you know. This is most likely Word Of Knowledge or Work Of Wisdom (get a bible and get in a good church). Well back in 2012 I knew that the big hurricane was coming. So I looked at the list of names that would be appointed to 2012 hurricanes so as to email President Obama a warning admonishing him to have the nation pray so as to send this storm in a different direction (what was I thinking). I am inserting that email here. So what is my point? Handling communications from God is not always easy and requires great care and most importantly prayer. You will note that in the correspondence that I sent was not sent directly to the Whitehouse which may or may not have made a difference and that I was one hurricane off in my selection as to which one it would be as I indicated that it would be Rafael who flew just before Sandy. Our primary function when we have dreams or receive a Word of Wisdom or a Word of Knowledge or other prophecy is to pray-pray-pray for clarity.