Interpreting Angelic Counsel

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One of the readers of my blog emailed to me the dream that I have inserted below. It is a great dream and chalked full of symbols for instructions. I also include below some interpretation thoughts for M below.

Was walking with a lady.  She told me she was getting a haircut.  As she opened the door to the salon, she told me she was going to cut her fringe and that it would take 10 minutes. 

As I waited outside for her, I looked over the balcony and saw some men dancing. I went to the door of the salon on the other side and several people were coming out.  As I was about to leave, the lady appeared at the door and told me she was giving me a lift.

We left the salon and walked towards a carpark.  There was another lady who joined us. A young girl approached us with a brand new remote control and the model was 37.  We told her that it did not belong to us. I sensed that our model was 35. I saw a row of air-conditioning and the girl was trying to turn them on with her remote.

We reached the car and I saw that it was white and huge.  The lady went to the back and removed two baby seats, leaving the third one in the middle.

Hello M, Thank you for reading my blog.

What an interesting dream. It is chockfull of symbols.I prayed and asked the Lord to help me understand what it means. You should do likewise —  always pray for Holy Spirit help with your dreams. As you know, symbols in a dream are relative to the dreamer. They mirror the dreamer’s life experiences to a great degree.

I am going to just go ahead and point out some of these (possible symbols) following your correspondence line by line. There could be a lifetime of prophecy here or you could walk it (the meaning) out in a week.

Could the lady in line one be an Angel? The haircut, the door and the salon all have meaning. The haircut for example — improvement. The door, opportunity. The fringe likely related to the those things. 10 minutes could mean ten days — ten months — ten years etc. Numbers and colors are important in dreams and should be carefully considered.

The balcony is a high place from which you observed men dancing or rejoicing. Are you providing ministry to them perhaps or entertainment or motivation?

Still more people and a lift from the Angel (I mean lady). Sounds like higher places to me! Another lady? I think this is good — help/fellowship?

And what’s up with the girl with the brand new remote control? Before I tell you what I think let me remind you that this was your dream and you must sort through the symbols for the meaning but ultimately rely on the Lord for light and revelation so as to be able to move toward that which He has purposed for you.

Oh, and one other thing, your inner man or spirit or what some refer to as subconscious is also an onboard resource for interpreting the dream.

The model 35 is what you have and it might be that it is time to move to the model 37. Could it be that those ac units were varying levels of the Power of the Holy Spirit requiring a new gadget (level of Faith) to cause them to blow forth a Mighty Rushing Wind.

I believe that the huge white car speaks of bigger and better things. White is representative of purity and brightness and is the third most referenced color in the bible.

While babies can obviously mean babies, this symbol usually speaks to something new. A new job or otherwise endeavor. Can it be that the Angel is advising that you should put aside two of the three of your current aspirations (baby seats) so as to move forward in His purpose.

Do sort out and break open loving  revelation and instructions from the Lord!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful dream with me.

I will post it to my site along with this response (absent your name) if you like.
