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This morning I dreamt a dream that was a split screen dream. In one screen (stage left) I was in a coffee shop like setting with several other men and we were discussing how the recent river change was affecting their current living quarters. They all lived in a multi-level apartment building that stands by the river. The river had risen and some of them needed units that were on higher floors. My home was not in the building and so my concern was nil.
The discussion then moved on to putting in our orders for something to eat later. One of the fellows was going for the takeout order. The day-of-the-week setting must have been Friday because I ordered fish and chips.
In the “stage-right” scene, I found myself walking in a dry riverbed in the direction from which the water would normally flow. To my surprise water started coming down the river. Initially, I was able to sidestep the water and stay out of its way. Increasingly, though, the flow of the water became greater and greater. It was like the dam broke or a great rain had taken place up stream.
Meanwhile (stage left) I was having a change of mind about the fish and chips. I had remembered that I already had fish at home. I was trying to get my order cancelled.
I woke up and knew immediately what the dream meant; mostly, I think.
Now folks, many of you know how that the Lord says that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and you know about how he says that rivers of living waters shall flow from them that believe on him. I propose to you today that the increased flow of the waters in the river in this dream represents a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God.
Just as a note, the river is another way of saying the Holy Spirit, fish could be representative of in this case unsaved folks. I am sure that some other symbols are included here.
The advent is at hand. We are walking on the dry riverbed, but the water is coming.