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Last night I dreamed that I was conducting an inspection of some type at the home of Kenny. Kenneth Lewis is known to me, hence Kenny.
When I arrived at the home there was another person on the property also conducting some kind of inspection. Rather than disturb that person I elected to go around the block and give them time to finish up and leave.
No one answered the door to let me but I was somehow able to gain entrance to the exterior grounds of the home where I needed to work. When I was done, I thought that jumping the fence would be the easiest way to get out and thought to do it.
When I approached the fence I heard dogs barking and upon looking over the fence I saw that there were actually parallel fences with a space in between for the dogs to run. There were several dogs. Dogs of all sizes. They were not to friendly. I was trapped. on the property.
As I walked around within the interior of the fence feeling concerned about my situation I noticed that there actually were people in the house. Kenny’s wife and several children were in a raised patio area of the house and invited me in. I explained my reason for being there and asked them to help me out. His wife was a younger lady and very nice. I am not sure why but it appeared that the family was blended with the younger child being fathered by Kenny.
As we talked I happened to notice that there was easy egress from our location and so I thanked them for their kindness and head out through what was an elevated exit. The dream was over.
Remember, whenever I get the name of a person in a dream whether I know them or not, I always pray for them as the first order of the post dream business.