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Not to mention the dream symbols found in this story. Long story short, Cornelius a righteous and giving Italian Centurion had a vision in which he saw that an Angel (which frightened him) had come to bring him a message from God that his giving and prayers had not gone unnoticed but had come up as a memorial before God. He was instructed to send for Peter (and told exactly where he would be) for further instructions.
As his men drew near to where Peter was residing, Peter fell into a trance in which he saw, as it were, a sheet lowered down from heaven that had all matter of unclean animals (Peter was Kosher you know) on it. God instructed Peter to “kill and eat”.
Peter reminded God that he has never eaten an unclean thing. God admonished Peter not to call that which He has cleaned, unclean. He said this to Peter three times. Peter contemplated the vison as the vessel (sheet) was taken back into Heaven.
So now, the Spirit advised Peter that there were folks at his door and that he should go with them “doubting nothing” as they were sent by Him. The men identified themselves as having been sent by Cornelius and were provided lodging for the night.
The following day Peter and “certain brethren” of his went with Cornelius’s party back to Cornelius’s home (Caesarea) where Cornelius had invited a welcoming party that included his friends and relatives.
Peter arrives and after some conversation with Cornelius he preaches the Gospel to these gentiles (the first gentiles to receive the Gospel) who are all saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Tongues.
This story demonstrates the vast richness of “dreams and visions” and all the associated intricacies including the trance, direct communication from God (via the Holy Spirit and Angels), dream symbols (the unclean animals representing the gentiles) and certainly several others.