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This is an easy one! I think. 

Last night (first thing this morning) I had a dream in which it was like my car was being stopped by the authorities. There were at least three of them. The impression given was as if it were an inspection or evaluation of sorts. 

So, these nice folks looked at a few documents and the general organization of things and seemed impressed at the good order in which they found my business. 

Somehow, though, one of them picked up a bottle of LEA & PERRINS WORCHESHIRE SAUCE and began to examine it. When I noticed what was happening, I chimed in that “oh that, I’ve been meaning to throw that out because I don’t know how old it is or if is still ok to eat.” I was unable to find a “use by” date on it. 

When we all agreed that it was, in fact, a good idea to go ahead and get rid of it, I was free to go. The mood was a positive one as we parted company. 

Clearly as I matriculate into a new level of purpose it is important that I take inventory and discard those things that are not meat for that new assignment. Quite sure! 

I love this dream business. If you pay attention, you win fast.