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I had this dream in March of 2008. This one was in the form of a night vision. It was a two-part dream.
In part I, saw a large Eagle (the USA?) swooping into a smoky skyline and bringing out a person (bin Laden).
In the second dream I saw a smoking skyline of some city (New York?). This vision represents an event that may or may not be taking place after the Eagle event. The second dream could predict a subsequent (nuclear?) attack that we prevent by praying for our cities.
THEY tell us the bin Laden is dead, but the Spirit says otherwise. 911 (The destruction of the Twin Towers) took place in 2001 and bin Laden was captured in 2011.
I shared my dream at the time that I had it with a good friend, who contacted me immediately to say, “this is what you said”. The actual event was quite like the way I saw in the dream.
Bin Laden is alive. Where is he? What will happen to him. The authorities can hide stuff from the people, but they cannot hide stuff from the Spirit.