Round Turn and Two Half-Hitches Knot-Frayed Knot

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Last night — actually, first thing this morning — I dreamed that I was trying to tie a knot. It was the knot that is referenced in the subject of this post. There are at least two dream symbols in the subject.

I suppose that this knot is primarily use by boaters but certainly there are other applications. It is an easy knot to tie and solid in terms of meeting the typically desired result.

Essentially, you tie the rope around and around a post (for example) and then under, around and through the rope, and again. Yea, “what did he say?” Well, just look at this and remember to hit the back key when done.

Here is the thing. The rope that I was using in my dream was frayed. As I tried to complete the tying of my knot the frayed part of the rope kept getting in the way. I needed a longer rope. I did not complete the tying of the knot in the dream.

Did you hear what I just said? “Tying of the Knot”. Search that one out on your own time!

As I studied this dream out (which was not my initial intent), I ran across this definition in

The word fray is all about friction. A frayed rope has been rubbed so much its fibers are wearing away. People experiencing friction are involved in a fray, or a noisy fight.

This is one of those dreams that I seriously thought to dismiss upon it’s occurrence but the clarity of it was a sure sign that I should pray and ask God for the interpretation. It certainly pertains to my personal life and was sent for guidance. It requires further meditation and prayer on my part.

If you are reading this, then this is a very important lesson for you. Namely, we must take all of our dreams seriously. This applies especially to those that come so vividly to us. We must isolate out the dream symbols. Ponder and research them. Consider how they relate to our lives, past, present and future.

This particular dream was so simple, so filled with dream symbols and so important for my well being.

Dreams are the most important and most squandered of our communications from God.