Swirl Painting

Views: 478

So, Swirl Painting! 

I do not recall ever hearing the term before but, last night there it was in a dream and vividly; you know, in color. This dream must be for someone. I have not adapted it for myself yet, though I may as I gain more revelation as to what it symbolizes. 

Here is how it went. Picture a map of North Carolina fixed in a wide flat pan. In it are several paint colors. The person doing the painting is holding either side of the pan out in front of them and gently moving the pan up and down and from side to side to move the paint in a color specific manner to for example, put green where they want it and yellow or brown or black in just the right place. The painting was complete. Fascinating, huh? Remember now this is a dream. 

There! Obviously by now you have some question as to my state of mind but, do not shoot the messenger. There is a profound revelation here and it will hit us soon just like the proverbial “ton of bricks”. Fairly sure. 

Oh! I forgot to ask the Lord what it means. 

I will do that right now. 

Swirl Painting. Techniques are all over the place but we only want to know what is being symbolized; right?