That’s Not Enough Money!

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Last night I dreamt that I was approached by a gentleman who wanted to rent a truck. I used to work in the rental car/truck industry many years ago. As we discussed the matter, I could see that all the money that the man had was a fist full of coins. 

I suggested to him that he would need more money than that and enquired as to where his other money was. It was clear that he had no other money. 

I asked him where he was going with the truck, and he said New Jersey. New Jersey! New Jersey is several hundred miles from where we were. This person was confident that the rental would take place. There was just no doubt in his mind. The dream was over. 

Earlier in the day yesterday, I made a note to myself due to some light or revelation that I received during my early morning study time/meditation. I wrote this down: “Speak to the Mountain.” I knew that it was inspiration from God so I carefully took the note and secured that it would make its way to my desk for safe cataloging. 

Mark 11: 22-23 reads as thus: And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 

For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall happen; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 

Also consider Matthew 6:25-34. 

Interpreting the dream, for me, is simple. It is a very gentle and sweet admonition to me from the Holy Spirit to move forward, nothing wavering, toward that which He has called me. 

The nice man requesting the truck was operating in faith.