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I had this dream during the first week of this month. It was as if I were a football player; likely a running back or pass receiver as I was running down the field with the ball.
The opposing team was in hot pursuit behind me to destroy me, breathing down my back.
Suddenly the Coach appeared off to my left side (putting me on His Right Side) and he said to me “hit the locker room I want you to stop everything else that you are doing and follow me.” He threw me a towel. I tossed the football off with my left hand and appeared in the locker room where I cleaned up and headed out.
I now believe that the towel represents a mantle.
I at once moved to another scene in the dream where the Coach was still moving (He is always moving) at His constant pace and I ran behind Him (following Him).
While thinking on the dream, drafting (running in the vacuum of no resistance) behind Him was added revelation.
He is worthy of all Praise.