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In this recent dream I was relaxing at my home. This home was on the side of a hill. From down the street and across the road the theology teacher was hitting some baseballs up to me.

I was laying down on the ground. The first ball came near to where I was, and I tried to catch it while still lying down. I stretched my right arm to catch it as it was oh so near but, I did not get it.

He hit a second ball and it flew directly toward me but slightly over my head. I came close to catching it but not close enough. By now, the third ball is in flight and the story is the same. The thought that occurred to me was that maybe I would have better luck catching the ball if I had a baseball glove. The dream is over.

Is the interpretation not clear to you? Well maybe this next dream will help. It followed right after the earlier one.

This one is another one of my “house” dreams. My house is getting bigger. It is big enough that there are areas or rooms of it that I seldom visit.

One day I was just checking through it for doors or windows that were possibly left open or perhaps some other issue that needed attention. You know, just checking things out.

In so doing, I saw several very shady looking gentlemen hanging out near one of the entry ways. They were inside the house. These guys looked scary.

I knew them to be demons and so I commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. I spoke directly to the one that was closest to me.

The problem was that because of fear or doubt or lack of Holy Ghost Power, it was hard for me to get the words out and I stuttered.

Demons do not just go because you tell them to. The full authority of the Potentate in you must be proved to them.

Fortunately for me my Helper spoke up through me invoking the Name of Jesus Christ and commanded the demons to leave causing the one closest to me to move back into the others that were standing behind him and forcing them all out of my house. Dream over.

Do you see where I am going with this? Well, ok, here is another dream. I dreamt this one last year. I must admit that while I did write it down, I am just now beginning to understand what it means.

In this third dream, I dreamed that I was in a professional level real estate appraisal class. It was a class that I preferred not to have been in.

I have a friend sitting next to me encouraging me and keeping me awake.

Chuck is in the class and offers to lend me $20. When he opens his portfolio, I see that there is much, much buck (money) in it.

The teacher is a stickler that students must attend the entire class.

This class usually requires a case studies.

I must pass the class to advance.

Teacher announces the next case study (I am now first at the door for the exit) which is a home that is surrounded by an ocean of water. Dream over.