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Early this morning I dreamed that I was in a high-rise office building. My sense is that we were near the very top of what was about 50 stories, give or take. I guess it goes without saying that the location was urban in nature.
All of a sudden I had the sensation of a gentle, though sudden, movement. It happened so quickly that it was surreal. The other people present were now looking around at each other and likely thinking about what would be the next movement of the building and what should they do or where should they run to or hide.
The dream was over and I was left with the impression that then there happened a catastrophic earthquake causing much destruction being perhaps the most costly one on earth up to this time.
On the heels of the above dream there was this dream insert of sorts. This will seem a little strange, so prepare yourself: earlier while I was shopping in a store located in the referenced building (a store in which I often shopped years ago in dreamland) I observed a transaction in which a salesman sold a suit to a gentleman.
The suit was a sale item and the salesman had to have his sales manager sign off on the transaction. I observed as the sales manager declined to approve the transaction because the salesman had failed to upsell the customer to black buttons (replacing the blue and white ones that were on the suit).
Further, I noticed that the store looked as if the cleaning people hadn’t shown up for a few weeks as there was trash and dirt present and even some broken glass near a little magazine table. As I observed the sales manager walking away I noticed that it was Drew. Drew use to be a salesman in the past years when I shopped at that store. He walked away from his meeting with the salesman and customer with a modest level of arrogance. The dream was over.
So, two dreams back to back. What does it mean? Let me just tell you what I know now. Probably the most important take-away from dream number one is that the quickly approaching End-time is at hand and will be evidenced by the fulfillment of the dream.
Dream number two is a somewhat common type of dream for me because I am given a specific name. I am not currently affiliated with a person by the name of Drew, so I know that what the Lord would have me do is to call that name out before Him requesting that He intervene in Drew’s life wherever and however necessary to bless him. I have already prayed for Drew!