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I find studying dreams to be extremely fascinating. I just completed a college course on dreams that certainly covered most any angle that you can imagine. The instructor, Katrina J. Wilson, teaches from a Spiritual and natural perspective. But not limited there.
One of the things that she suggests is that one should prepare themselves to receive and capture (remember) the communications of the sleep world. I think that I just made up that term. This is done to some extent by getting you focus directed from television and other things of that nature as well as cutting back on the late night snacks.
I just finished my book entitled Utterance, Speaking in Tongues and Spiritual Gifts and expect that the next one will be about dreams. Speaking in Tongues and Dreams are two of the end time signs mentioned in the Bible. It appears that the Lord intends to give me content for this site and for the book. This will be a substantial part of the ministry that He will work through me. Pretty sure!
Anyways, last night I dreamt that I was in a small house with at least one other person. At some point yet another person who had apparently resided with us for a short while at that house showed up with a gun and with the intent to shoot us. For some reason, in the dream the person was of Oriental descent. It was kind of like he had something to cover up before leaving the country. He fired and missed hitting us.
I ran out of the house and to the next-door neighbor’s house. Without knocking, I tried the door and found it to be unlocked. I rushed in and asked the neighbor if there were any firearms in the house. The neighbor was a female and she said that there was a rifle. A 22 caliber (small) and that she thought that there were about two bullets somewhere around.
She found the bullets and I loaded the rifle and sought to neutralize the bad guy. When I looked out to find his location I could see that there were two of them and so I caught them off guard and managed to shoot one of them knocking him to the ground.
By then, the neighbor had located a handgun. I was still engaging the other guy who was taking cover behind a tree (I learned all this cops and robbers stuff from television). Well it appears that he needed to reload his weapon and when I saw that that was what he was doing I rushed down to the tree while he was preoccupied and caught him off guard.
He saw me at the last minute so I gave a head fake to make him think that I was coming in from the right and I ducked to the left side of the tree and was able to get off a shot or two grazing his head. I was now in control of the situation.
In the world today there are many adversaries and sometimes we just don’t know who the devil will work through next. One thing that we can be sure of and it is this.