Word Of Knowledge

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Basically, The Word of Knowledge (a Spiritual gift) is knowing something that can only be known by revelation from the Lord; there is no natural way that you could have the imparted information. So here is a cute little dream in which we were put on notice by the Lord that a dear sister in our Church needed help and PDQ.

Oct 2007 dreamed that Pastor Thornton and Mrs. Thornton we were walking down a mountain trail that sides to the ocean when Pastor’s dog ran and got into the ocean Pastor was stressed and kept call the dog by the name Robin 3 times. The dog was lost. The next day we called Robin (a lady at our church) and found out that she along with her two young dautgters was in need of food, gas and money. We were, of course able to get with them make sure that these needs were met. I never asked the question, but my guess is that Robin or perhaps one of the girls had been in prayer and supplication before the Lord and had their prayer answered.