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On October 10, 2002 I dreamed that I was in a setting with a group of people when suddenly a big Rottweiler dog came and grabbed a baby and began to shake it violently. I rebuked it and commanded it to let the baby go and so it did.

Most of the other people there were terrified. Then the dog grabbed the head — yes head. Now it didn’t have a body. I rebuked the dog again and commanded that it loose the head and so it did and began to squirm away.

Interestingly as the dog passed by me and its hinder part became visible to me I could see that the rear part of its body was crippled. It was literally dragging the back half of its body on the ground. It put on the vicious front appearance. Boy did it look intimidating! A clear example of all bark and no bite.

The interpretation of this dream has to do with some events that happened at a Church that I once attended. The baby was the church. The baby’s head was the Pastor. The Rottweiler was the demonic church doctrine of the overseeing church.

Things did not end well.