Did you read your horoscope today

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Your horoscope is a fraud. The devil took a perfectly good concept and what may be the first bible story every told and one that was known in the most early days by folks all over the world and corrupted into a lie that will cause many people to end up in hell. Yep, I said it h-e-double hockey sticks. The zodiac (The So Called Gospel In The Stars) is the story of a champion shown somewhat like a motion picture with the 13 episodes coming into view as the earth makes its’ trip on a line called the ecliptic around the sun. Some of the characters are Virgo (the woman bearing the seed, the branch), Capricornus (the Atoning Sacrifice), Aquairus (the water bearer): all significantly symbolic in the Christian Faith. By the way, there are actually 13 signs with Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer) being likely left out by demonic influence as He likely represents Jesus Christ Himself handling the devil one final time. You don’t have to know much of this stuff to understand that there is One True Living God. Psalms 19 (Psa 19:1)  spells this out but pray before you read it and ask the Holy Spirit to provide the illumination.