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Following the previously posted “BLUE HANDS” Dream I fell asleep again and had yet another dream. It was my hope to know more regarding the earlier dream. Having a “continuation dream” such as this is rare.
The dream starts out with my being a janitorial person at a school or some similar facility. My job is to clean the rooms after each session.
I am new in the job and not doing a particularly decent job. My supervisors are not pleased with my performance. They are, however, patient with me.
At that job there was another worker, a lady, who had the gift of healing in her hands.
Let me just say here that any gift of healing aside from that of Jesus Christ is not one that I would discuss.
To continue the story, though, one of the other folks working with us was having some physical difficulty and asked the referenced lady if she would lay hands on him. She agreed to and when she did, I saw a physical reaction to the energy that was released into him, and he confirmed that he no longer had any discomfort.
Upon seeing this I recalled my previous experience with the “laying on of hands” and thought to give it a go. I touched the person who was my immediate supervisor on the head and said, “be blessed.” He convulsed mildly he smiled approval and an attitude of peace. I did the same thing to, yet another near-by worker and they too had the same reaction.
There was another one of the workers asleep in a bed. Remember, now, this is a dream! I proceeded to touch him, and he displayed that same gentle bodily convulsion and peaceful smile while continuing to sleep.
What does it all mean?
The bible tells us in the book of Mark 16:18 that one of the signs that would follow the believer is that they will lay hands on the sick and that they will recover.
I personally hope and believe that these dreams are prophetic. I thank God for them.