Rain Pouring into the House

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This morning I dreamed that the it was raining and that water was coming into the house. It was coming in through the roof. I thought this strange as I had had no issues with the roof. I found water coming down the side of walls. There was water in the floor. There was water in the yard. Water coming through the ceiling. There was water everywhere.

There was a call from the next-door neighbor reminding me of some agreement that we had to aid each other in case of such a situation.  I acknowledged the agreement but was only able to concentrate on getting a handle on the matter.

I searched through a dresser for some dry clothes to put on.

A stander-by inquired as to whether there was some coffee. We fumbled around looking for coffee and could not satisfactorily find any. I finally asked my friend to go to Starbucks for some and handed them the money for it. I wanted a big one. My friend was an African.

Everything was wet. The dream was over.

Briefly, just let me say: The house is me or you and the rain (water) is the Holy Spirit. Receive it and rejoice!

See here!