The Wind and the Sun

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Last night when the Father gave me this dream, I thought huh? what? 

Here it is. What I initially saw was a vessel (vehicle of sorts) that looked like the Wright brother’s airplane. The creator (entrepreneur) of the craft was doing some initial testing of the design by harnessing available wind at the ground level. 

As the wind blew the craft began to move. Because the initial experiment was in an urban area there were starts and stops to avoid buildings to change direction for farther forward movement. 

It is at this time that I came upon the scene and encountered the gentleman that was working on this project. As we discussed his endeavor, he began to show me what looked like solar panels and he explained to me that he expected to harness energy from the sun that would cause his contraption to soar. The dream was over! 

Yep, like I said, huh? what? 

Did not seem so simple initially but the interpretation of the dream is quite simple; the Father was talking about Himself in the Form of His Spirit and His Sonthe wind and the sun. 

I originally posted this on Oct 27, 2018, and now here it is a year and a half later (4/13/2020) and the Lord is giving me Light that the Solar Panels are my inner man having been built up in my most Holy Faith by praying in the Spirit (Praying in Tongues). 

The Father wishes us (the Ecclesia) to consider and put into perspective all His Attributes for a more complete walk and relationship with him so that we may soar Spiritually. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14)